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05/08/2005: "Mother's day"

I even got flowers for Mother's Day- Ikko san brought me roses yesterday. It's good to be a mother on Mother's day! Tal walked in and asked, 'Who brought you flowers?' 'One of my boys.' 'But you don't have kids.' Well, I am the Japanese mama to them. The other day Komuro san got seriously scolded by me because he kept yelling that I had to come drink with him although I was busy in the kitchen. Mama is not always there to play with you.

This morning I finally began my racing season by running 5K in the Central Park. It was my favorite mother's day race. I was kind of nervous but did all right; 5th in the age group and brought home an award. LOL So I treated myself this afternoon by going swimming at Waterside (a beautiful little swimming pool with skylight!), and hanging out at Home Depot picking up some more stuff, useful but I can probably live without.

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