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05/06/2005: "Don't forget Mother's Day"
Thanks to the internet, I was able to finally send out new cooking class schedule to hundreds of people tonight. Thanks to the internet, I was able to send flowers to my mother for mother's day, which she just confirmed receipt. You can too! Send your mom flowers if you're not going to see her. She said, "It's the first time I got flowers on Mother's day!" Yes, I know. I've never done that. And there's no way my brother is ever going to think about it. Men don't realize that women love receiving flowers. I got a lot more flowers from my girlfriends in my life.
Daisuke said this evening; "I've been listening to some old music." He got some Japanese CDs from 80s from his friends. These were music from my high school days. He's only 20 years old. It made me dizzy. Those old music. Yes, they are 20 year old. Like him. I felt old like old music. But good old music, which I'll be playing tomorrow.