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09/27/2004: "My sport"
Pretty funny argument about what defines a sport on the Central Park Track Club's website: "What shall be our sport then?" from September 24 entry. For those of you who's seen wacky Japanese TV show "Iron Chef," you'd agree with me that cooking could be very much like a sport, although Bill Simmons would not agree since it has to involve 'judging.' Also I don't really need a sport bra, but I'm not B-cup so I don't know if it passes the sport bra argument. I need to shower after a night of cooking though. Some cooking activities, like flipping a heavy wok or pouring soy sauce out of 5 gallon pail, requires much strength and I am not really fit for it. I could as well say that running is actually a part of my training as a chef, participating in a sport of cookery. I need more upper body strengthning exercise to compete, if it ever make it to the Olympic sport.
My neighbor Jeff has a little Chihuahua named "Banzai." I thought my parents would get a kick out of it.