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09/22/2004: "some glitches"
Our website was down all day yesterday, because of a fire in Baltimore, right near where my host server is. Then by mid-afternoon the keyboard of my laptop seized up. It completely stopped working, not responding my gentle or rough taps. I was freaked out. I could live without a cellphone, internet connection, or television for a few days, I found out a few weeks ago, but computer without a keyboard was just too hard! It's scary how dependant I am on this little machine. This afternoon Nikita, a computer geek, a wiz, an IT consultant, arrived, as I booted my computer and found out that it was working fine. He checked the machine and said it looks pretty healthy. He only charged me $10 for checking the pulse of this baby. I gladly paid; I was happy as long as he's fine.
Today (wednesday 22nd) is my birthday. You're all welcome to stop by and give me a birthday hug! I'm getting old!