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06/28/2004: "Pride sunday"

I'm going to see the Cure I'm going to see the Cure I'm going to see the Cure! And obviously I'm very excited!

Yesterday 'tourist' Tarja and I went to see the gay pride parade. The mayor Bloomberg was also waiting for us at our meeting spot on 23rd and Madison. (Seriously. As the mayor disappeared into the van his tough guy body guard shoved me off the sidewalk thinking I'm his groupie.) We hovered around intersections and got yelled at police officers. And of course we pretended that we are innocent foreign tourists who don't understand English. It was lots of fun. Things I learned: the city is full of gay people. They love to party and dance half naked. They like to get married. The pretty guys in tight tight shirts are gay. The pretty guys sitting on every phone booths are gay. Too bad they are all gay.

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