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06/09/2004: "Guida joins force"

With sudden departure of Hayato for family emergency this weekend, Guida decided to come work for me, risking our friendship. She said jokingly, "This will be the test if we can really be friends because we're going to spend so much time together." Look forward to meeting her, the tall goofy Brazillian with a beautiful big smile. On her first day, it was a slow night so she didn't get yelled at. However, because of her big ass our delivery bike had a flat this morning. (I'm kidding, Guida!)

Margit came for dinner and she asked, "have I been on your blog lately??" Now you have! I told her that I thought about her this afternoon, when two foreign customers sat down and immediately asked me, "Could you tell us what is that building across the street?" Like I'm supposed to know everything. I surely had some information. The building they were talking about, the one on the corner of Delancey and Suffolk, used to be a movie theater. I believe upper floors are available for rent, but don't know if it is still like a theater inside. My friend Bartholomew and I used to fantasize about opening a club there. And I did hear a rumour that it was going to be a club, but that was a few years ago. I guess it didn't happen.

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