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02/07/2006: "New assignment"

Kerry, one of my students from last months' cooking class, wrote a great review of my cooking class in her blog. Very cool. I always get nervous before the class, feeling like I don't know enough to give a class, and usually not knowing what kind of people are coming. But as soon as it starts, I can get into my groove and try to share the sometimes mystical world of Japanese cousine in the easiest way to handle and digest. I get great pleasure of teaching, and knowing that my students really enjoy it. This is definitely something that I would like to continue. Sharing is very important part of cooking and eating.

My friend Orly asked me to cater for her son Guy's Bar Mitzvah. I said of course! I know Guy from even before he was born. It would be interesting challenge for me to do some Jewish/Mediterranean dishes, although I am pretty good at all kinds of international flavors. Seth came in yesterday and wondered why I was studying Jewish cook books, and I told him the deal. 'I also have a book to lend!' Half an hour later he came back with another book for me to explore. I got some homeworks to do.

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