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06/08/2005: "The man with black nail polish"
Rock'n roller Paul came and told me that Luna lounge where he works is closing this coming weekend. Their little building is being torn down in the wave of new development around Orchard-Ludlow streets vicinity. More fancy high-rise in the neighborhood? I wonder if the area is going to start looking more like uptown. I joined his little party with his neighbors and friends at Luna last night, helping them clear out the inventory on the shelf.
There's two bicycles on in front of SOY chained together to a street sign pole for at least about six months. It's hard enough to get sanitation department to come get abondaned car off the street (well, I called them about a beaten-up vehicle that said 'take me I'm stolen' up the block a few years ago, and the person on the phone asked me, 'but how do you know that the car is stolen?'), how are you supposed to deal with something like this? The bicycles look surprisingly in decent shape (although one is missing a seat), after all these months, but nobody has ever taken them off the pole for a minute for the past half year. I suspect these are abondoned vehicles. It's annoying since it's in front of SOY and this means that we have less bike parking space. I wonder if they can help me at 311.
Heat is here and that means more deliveries! Little Yuri was busy back and forth around the neighborhood.