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03/04/2005: "memories of this winter"

Snowstorm from a week ago seems like so long ago already..

As I was leaving last night, I spot Jose hurrying across the street. "Jose!" He turns around and walks across, and gives me a hug. He's always in a hurry, always late, always so much to do. He's going home to Spain on Monday for a month and a half. "I'm not going to finish everything before I go." Always frustrated. "I guess you have to lower expectations sometimes." "Well, you have to think in smaller actions. If you list things to do in more specific simple items, you can see how much you can cross off each day, how much you're accomplishing." I give him a good advise as an older and wiser sister I am like to him. "You're right." "When you look at the bigger picture, or your ultimate goal, it seems like you're making a slow progress, but you ARE making progress, moving forward, and that's what it counts." This is what I try to tell myself so often. We just don't have enough time to do everything. "I guess I'll see you when I get back." "And then, you'll see the whole new SOY." My renovation project has been months of frustrating process, although it finally seems to be close to execution.

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