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11/05/2004: "My judgement day"

So we've been crying and mourning over the result of the recent election here in New York. I've been conversing with friends that we often forget what America is like out there. This country is full of rednecks and conservative religious people. We take it for granted here in New York that we can bash Bush, oppose the war, protest Republicans, and hang out with gay people as we wish. They say New York is not America anyway. Maybe New York should be a commonwealth like Puerto Rico.

Meanwhile, my judgement day is coming. End is near. Around 1:20 pm this coming Sunday. It's NYC Marathon! For your information, I've put together my estimated arrival time at each mile here for anyone who wants to come out and cheer for me. I will be wearing orange singlet and "SOY" headband.

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on Sunday, November 7th, Margit said

We saw you! You were so early Etsuko! Around 10:50am I think? Or 11? Anyway, was very col to see you. My boyfriend and I stood under the bridge on 4th Ave and I yelled "ETSUKO" But alas, you didn't hear us. CONGRATS!

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