Archives for: February 2015, 08
long winter

It's only early February and it feels like we're having a long winter. Is it just me, because I've been cooking non-stop for the past month since 1) we are busy, or 2) it's cold? Or we ARE indeed having a long winter because of global warming. Or little bit of both. You can pretty much blame anything on global warming. But I think it was more of still feeling the effect of bank bailout of 2008 that I gave my back out -a little- on Monday. Heat packs and long soaks got me through to Wednesday, and finally I had time to get to a Chinese massage place on St. Marks. Unfortunately I didn't get my usual wonderful therapist and instead I got this young man who gave me a super sissy massage before. Well, he may have read my mind and was going to revenge. This time I got a seriously torturous and horrible massage. It was like everything was wrong. I thought he was really wrong to be working as a massage therapist. Maybe I should've told him. It was really, really, extremely horrible experience. I'm so looking forward to our little vacation next week to a bit warmer place in South Carolina.