Archives for: February 2014
magical vacation

So we were there again- at the Disney World. Yes, we were hoping for the magical vacation that they advertise to sell, and yes, I was really convinced that we are not Disney-type, but we still didn't totally hate it. It was Taiyo's idea to begin with. He really wanted to go back there. He really wanted to dine at the castle, so I paid some $$$ to have a breakfast there. The food looked pretty and they gave us Mickey-shaped muffins and stuff, but it was mostly gross. They kept our orange juice glass filled. Large older ladies costumed as medieval maids served us. Then there were these wigged princesses with heavily painted faces making appearance. And here's what Taiyo did. It's just insane.
And aren't you impressed how professionally they all pose for the photo? Even though this kid is acting like a psycho, slicing up his beloved kitty? (By the way the sword was supplied by the castle) So for all these photo alone, maybe it was worth the trip. And of course yes, it was really lovely to spend a few days wearing only t-shirt outside, dipping in a pool under sun, and walking on a beach. Also, I must say, I was extremely impressed with this super American brand. So many people believe in it, too. You can see that they love being there! As much as I hated being there, it was also seriously fun. Look at the pictures above again.
my little devil

We're having a long, cold winter. I'm slacking in my running routine already after attempting to go back to it since Taiyo started school. "Too much snow" has been a good and honest excuse. It feels like we haven't been without snow on the ground for such a long time. Every time I decided to put away the snow shovel, I usually had to retrieve it from the scary basement within days. Last Wednesday's wet one was just so bad. It wasn't much accumulation but it packed down so quickly I had to chip pieces off with a cute little trowel which was like the only useful tool I could think of. Anyway, Lunar New Year arrived and it's a year of horse. I'm afraid this one will go by so, so fast. We had many lion dance sightings around Chinatown and Taiyo also found a little red envelope with two dollars. I think this is pretty good start.
I found some old pictures and had to share this one. How cute is he! But at 20 month he was actually a devil. He was tough and difficult child. He would be cranky, fussy, or simply freak out and be so extremely loud! I seriously wanted to shoot myself every day. I'm glad I don't own a gun- I would be totally dead, more than dead, if I had one. But look at him! I miss this incredible cuteness but I'm so glad I don't have a child that age any more.