Archives for: February 2014, 10
my little devil

We're having a long, cold winter. I'm slacking in my running routine already after attempting to go back to it since Taiyo started school. "Too much snow" has been a good and honest excuse. It feels like we haven't been without snow on the ground for such a long time. Every time I decided to put away the snow shovel, I usually had to retrieve it from the scary basement within days. Last Wednesday's wet one was just so bad. It wasn't much accumulation but it packed down so quickly I had to chip pieces off with a cute little trowel which was like the only useful tool I could think of. Anyway, Lunar New Year arrived and it's a year of horse. I'm afraid this one will go by so, so fast. We had many lion dance sightings around Chinatown and Taiyo also found a little red envelope with two dollars. I think this is pretty good start.
I found some old pictures and had to share this one. How cute is he! But at 20 month he was actually a devil. He was tough and difficult child. He would be cranky, fussy, or simply freak out and be so extremely loud! I seriously wanted to shoot myself every day. I'm glad I don't own a gun- I would be totally dead, more than dead, if I had one. But look at him! I miss this incredible cuteness but I'm so glad I don't have a child that age any more.