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Oh boy

I've been slacking from blogging lately, but life with Taiyo is never uneventful. And thing he says these days! This morning when he saw an arrangement someone made with his toys on the counter in the restaurant. "Kitty holding a kazoo. That's funny." Last week we took a nice ride along the river. "What's that building?" He points across the river. "That's an old sugar factory." "I see. How about that one?" "I don't know. A warehouse, maybe?" "It looks like a big supermarket," he said. The other day he held a small rectangular frame that came in his Play-Doh set. "This is my iPhone." He wants a violin, a flute, and marimba. His loud screams, big smiles, and various dance moves are recognized around the neighborhood. He gets lots of pictures taken by strangers and sometimes I wonder where they are. Oh, yes, he's fabulous. He's an amazing two-year-and-eight-month-old. Yet he's still a normal two-year-and-eight-month-old. He's making a very slow potty training progress. He can do it time to time, but overall, refusing to cooperate. He may do it only when he's offered a piece of chocolate or a new toy. His doctor told me at his check-up two months ago. "Boys are always later to be potty trained than girls. It's Y-chromosome. They are emotionally less mature." Oh, boy. Don't all of us women know that men are hardly emotionally mature ever! And I can see in the way Taiyo plainly refuses to drop the diaper and put on an underwear, that if men are left alone they would gladly stay in diapers until 35 or so then say, "Gee, maybe I'm getting a bit old for a diaper." And I still can't help but to ask him in the morning, "Do you want to go pee?" And he says, "I'll pee tomorrow."