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Happy Mother's Day

Yesterday, as our Mother's Day tradition, we spent a day at Bronx Zoo. On this sunny early summer day, the park was full of happy families. We rode the monorail, and saw elephants, rhinos, a tiger, and various deers and wild horses. Around the park we saw zebras, bears, giraffes, and bison. At the butterfly house he turned into one. As we waited in line for carousel, his mind was set for a red ladybug. When the gate opened for us, he ran straight for it and got on. I rode on a yellow caterpillar next to him. We lunched with peacocks who meowed like cats, and before we left the park, he made sure that goats were fed. I don't think I've ever enjoyed going to a zoo as much as I do now.
Last Saturday when his beloved babysitter Seiko was leaving, Taiyo wanted to go home with her. Although both Seiko and I were giving him the idea of sleeping over at her house in the past, he always said no. But suddenly he really wanted to go with her clinging on her. We felt unprepared, so Seiko quietly left that evening. But this afternoon when she walked in he shouted, "I want to go to your house! I want to! I want to!" "You're not going to cry for mommy?" "No! I want to go! I want to go!" We were skeptical, but I packed up his bag and she took him to her place in Brooklyn. So first time ever he was born, I came home alone to my quiet apartment. My cat is not even here. Seiko sent me a text at midnight that he was sleeping. My bed is going to feel so big tonight.