Archives for: August 2011, 31

We had some natural disasters last week, but it's the best time of the year right now. The air is cool and pleasant, and sun is bright but just comfortable. This morning I said to Taiyo, "We have to go shop in Chinatown," then he said, "China, Chinatown, Ni Hao, Ni, Hao.' Thanks to Kai-Lan, he's already learning his fourth language, Chinese!
After shopping at our new favorite Chinese supermarket on Mott Street, we stopped for some crepe at La Crepe C'est Si Bon on Eldridge between Grand and Broome. This bright little creperie may not be easiest to enter with a stroller with two steps up from the street, but the door was wide open and I let Taiyo out on the street and he happily walked in and climbed up on the bench. Although space is small, there's room for parking even a big stroller inside. We had a plain crepe- without any sugar sprinkled it was rather salty but Taiyo really liked it and chugged most of it by hand. It's super toddler friendly food that is easy to eat by hand, which is fortunate because the cute wooden utencil is not easy to use. When he finished the plate he asked for more. Recommended.
Early afternoon when Lynne started cleaning the window, Taiyo decided to join in to help. Even before he was walking, window cleaning was his favorite part of being a restaurant. Now he skillfully sprays and uses squeezee, which makes people passing by smile. You can see how seriously he takes this window cleaning.