Archives for: August 2011, 02
Taiyo's appetite is back

What a week it had been! Nine out of ten people I told about 'coxsackie' virus laughed, chuckled, rolled their eyes. But the virus with a funny name wasn't funny at all. For three days Taiyo couldn't eat or nap, had very had time going to sleep at night or staying asleep, was extremely cranky and needy, crying and screaming a lot of times. I really wanted to shoot myself in the head for hundred times a day. Then finally he started eating on Friday and took a record-breaking five-hour nap. Since Saturday he's been extremely happy and pleasant to make up for the sick days.
On Sunday we were back on our bike to enjoy the world again! Taiyo strapped himself in the bike seat, put his helmet on with his kitty in his arm, and we were off! It was warm but fairly dry and pleasant, so after picking up a bread at the New Amsterdam Market we headed to the Governor's Island. I just totally love this little island that makes me feel that we are vacationing somewhere far away. Colonial empty buildings always reminds me of Cuba. It seemed crowded around the ferry ride, but as soon as we landed and headed out to the Picnic Point, it was not so crowded at all.
Taiyo enjoyed his favorite rice and beans from the Jamaican food truck. Then of course Blue Marble ice cream. Outdoor eating is such a blessing to a mommy because we don't have to clean up as much. After some more leisurely biking along the scenic waterfront, Taiyo fell asleep on the ferry ride back.
After a short nap and hanging around a bit in the apartment, it was already time for dinner! I said, "How about pizza?" Taiyo is an American kid, of course he would not object to pizza! We headed to Two Boots on Avenue B and 3rd St. At 6pm it was empty and Taiyo immediately got comfortable on the spacious booths. Yes, this is a super kid-friendly place with easy entry, easy to climb booth, some funky art works along the window and even a TV monitor to stare at! Although I think their pizza used to better than now, they have nice selection of pies with fun names- we went for a slice of Tompkins Square, which was topped with organic seasonal vegetables and nothing to do with homeless people who used to camp out in the park year around, and Tony Clifton with wild mushrooms (which weren't very wild), red pepper pesto, onions and mozzarella. Taiyo also liked Fizzy Lizzy, sparkling fruit drink that wansn't sweet but fruity. He was busier climbing up and down all the booths in the place than eating, but it was totally easy dining experience for me. Very much recommended. By the way I got some peaches at New Amsterdam market on the way back from the Governor's Island, and they turned out to be a killer. They weren't ripe yesterday, but today they were just amazing and sweet Taiyo kept asking for more.