Archives for: July 2011, 18
Through the streets of Brooklyn

I got ambitious this perfect sunny sunday morning, and decided to head to Brooklyn Children's Museum in Crown Heights. Over the bridge Taiyo was so excited to see the train tracks and passing subway cars. He shouted out possibly some obscenity (or words of wisdom) in baby language through South Williamsburg, then fell asleep. While enjoying a leisurely bike ride through the streets of Brooklyn, I was worried; he's going to be so cranky the rest of the day if he doesn't take a long enough lap. But his head was bobbing against my back, and he can't be so comfortable anyway. I passed the museum and went down to Eastern Parkway. I stopped at the bench under the trees, thinking he can just sleep a while in the seat. It was also a perfect time to trim his nails. Yes, I usually carry a baby nail clipper in my purse. Unfortunately he woke up soon and we headed back to the museum.
Before entering the museum, he munched on an onigiri rice ball I made before we left. It's a perfect little lunch or a snack to take along anywhere- and for me it's easier than a sandwich, and perhaps healthier, too. You can find seasoning packs at Japanese grocery store - mix them with rice and make tasty rice balls. Wrapped in nori seaweed, they are perfect food to eat by hand.
The museum was fairy empty when we went in- this beautifully designed amazing kid's museum is often overcrowded in winter months. Taiyo had the sandbox play area in tot's room all to himself for a while. Then we caught a rock concert by StarFish, and he jumped around to some rock music. Then there's so much more to explore at this place- Taiyo went crazy driving a bus, riding on a scooter, going shopping at the grocery store, and making imaginary pizza. Finally when I lured him out with a thought of getting some food hours later, it was steaming hot outside. Within a few minutes he fell asleep again to my surprise- he hasn't taken a second nap in 6 months. After 45 minutes of slow bike ride, he woke up on Delancey Street on our corner.
After a long road trip, we decided to go very local, and just went down the street to Antibes. Only a few doors down from SOY on Suffolk Street I often get my cappcino there, so Taiyo says it's a coffee place although we've dined there as well many times. It was actually the first restaurant he went at two-week old. Entry could be a little tricky with a stroller, since there's two steps down from the street inside the door. But there's also a few tables outside with very easy access. They do not have high chairs, but some room for a stroller to park. The servers usually know Taiyo already and they are very friendly to him. They had the winning food for him on special: carrot soup. This totally kept him in his seat, which was my lap, and he also enjoyed some risotto. Asparagus salad went almost unnoticed, but he saw enoki mushrooms and decided to try some. He wanted more but I was already finishing the plate. He chased the waitress cryhing when she took his finished soup bowl, and they gave him the second serving, which he also ate pretty much all of it while doing his victory runs around the restaurant. Food was delicious and beautifully presented, and they are very nice people I think they generally torelate company of young people. Althogh there's no obvious perks for kids or babies, moderately recommended.