Archives for: July 2011, 08
Back to work

Maybe he knew that we had to go back to work, or he was simply tired from five days of just having fun; Taiyo couldn't get his funk out in the morning. He fussed and screamed over every little thing, milk, cereal, bagel, elmo, george, and so on. When we finally got out the sun was glaring above. We were out for a shopping routine, and Taiyo knew exactly where to score some bananas at Essex market. Three banans today! On the way back he used one of his winnings to make a 'banana call.' How his imagination is growing!
Back to work, meaning no eating out today. Taiyo devoured chicken katsu with curry for lunch. Fried food always works with a little one, although he refused to try sea eel tempura with soba yesterday.
We normally get a little rush after a break, and today was no exception. Lunch wasn't too hectic but we were pretty swamped in the evening. Today was Tanabata, a Japanese star festival. It's based on a very Japanese tale, although the originates in China, that two lover stars were separated across milky way because they were too busy having fun with each other and neglected their work. But the Sky King allowed them to meet with each other once a year on July 7th if they worked hard the rest of the year. Now we celebrate this festival decorating bamboo trees with our wishes written on paper. After hard day's work, I didn't have to write down any wishes when I saw peaceful sleeping face of Taiyo. My wish has come true.