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December 2006

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soy diary

King of Soul

I went for early morning swim in Battery Park City. It was a beautiful quiet morning with only one other swimmer in the little sky-lit swimming pool. Going back and forth doing my lap, I thought about my ex-boyfriend who I had to dump after seeing him crawling like a dog in the ocean. It was his 'swimming' style. And it was the only way for him. Supposedly he grew up in a house with a swimming pool, which was hard to believe. He also screamed like a girl when something bit him under water. The end was near.

On the way back there was already a long, long line of tourists for the Statue of Liberty ferry. It was easy to distinguish them from locals with average weight and terrible fashion sense. It was only 9 am. New Year's almost upon us. I'm just realizing I haven't done any preparation food-wise or otherwise. I'll be at least preparing Ozouni/ New Year soup. Maybe I also cook black soybeans. In tribute, I'm playing some more James Brown tonight. It's a Soul night. I was reading in the newspaper how President Ford's body is going to travel all across country. If I'm famous by the time I die, do I want a cross country tour in a hearse to say good by to all my fans? If it's a green SOY-mobile, maybe.

on december 29, 2006 @ 09:15 pm [link]


Our second annual Festivus party was quite success. We danced and danced around the Festivus pole, which I found in the basement exactly where I left it last year (Festivus miracle!). We had an excellent crowd, and all the food disappeared very quickly. At midnight, we had more Festivus miracle of burning of cookie wrappers. It was the best of the parties I've thrown.

Christmas Eve I had a little night out with two gay male friends. How romantic! We went to see this really really truly bad movie Good German at Angelica. We tossed and turned unconfortably in our seats through this incomprehensible movie. Down the quiet street, we had a little drink at Fanelli's, with a friendly crowd. The bartender went, "Shhhhhh!!! Everyone! Let's have a Christmas smoke. Just one cigarette!" So many of us enjoyed a cigarette like good old days.
on december 26, 2006 @ 12:22 am [link]

Get your aluminum pole

I went shopping at the Chinese market. When I passed by the showcase of the seafood department, I noticed a whole tray of fillet of drying fish. They were supposed to be fresh, but they actually looked like sitting there for a week. I felt like yelling, "The emperor has no clothes!" But I didn't. I just went by doing my business. I wondered if other shoppers and store employees simply didn't notice those drying fish fillets or quietly saying to themselves, 'The emperor has no clothes!' like me.

Sophie came by and told me that she read in a newspaper today that there's shortage of aluminum poles in stores because so many people are celebrating Festivus now. Supposedly it's becoming a phenomenon. Pablo called me from California wishing me happy holidays, and he exclaimed, "That's brilliant! Creating your own thing!" They created Kwanzaa not so long ago, right? I guess this Festivus is the new holiday we are creating. I have to make sure I have an appropriate aluminum pole in the basement tomorrow.
on december 22, 2006 @ 12:09 am [link]

Festivus is coming

After procrastinating over the weekend, I've decided to have another Festivus party next weekend. Not being a Christian, I'm not a big fan of Christmas. So what do we non-Christians do this holiday.. ? Festivus is the answer. I must say this is the greatest invention out of American TV culture. So again, I must go down to the dark and dusty basement of our building and find my Festivus aluminum pole. I will then gracefully place it in a Chinese pot for Festivus. We'll have airing of grievances aided by sake martinis, enjoy traditional Festivus food like tofu on sticks and cheese and edamame rolls, and party til I'm pinned down in feats of strength. Yesterday I went out looking for a proper attire for the party, riding around the neighborhood on my green delivery bike. When I passed by this little shop on 7th Street, the beautiful silk dress caught my eye. It was truly the love at first sight. I tried it on and it was the perfect fit. I said it was there for me. As I was leaving the store the designer said to me, "Be careful, you look sooo good in it."
on december 19, 2006 @ 01:47 am [link]

Tofu is gay!

Jesse sent me this link which gave me the greatest comic relief of the day: "Soy is making kids 'gay.'" What a wicked concept! Do you know in Asia we've been eating lots of soy for many centuries? Then Asian men must be all 'gay' by now. True, they may have average smaller penis but maybe because we don't eat enough beef. My mother didn't feed me soy milk when I was a baby. Is that why my breasts didn't grow bigger? Soy makes you feminine, he says! It must be true because it's on the internet. Is this why I have many gay customers? Is Department of Health going to make us post a sign on the wall: "Soy may wake up femininity in you." At the end of the night Atsushi brought back a new CD by our favorite customer Apollo. It was very gay. Yes, we feed him a lot. I take the blame.
on december 14, 2006 @ 01:04 am [link]

no wonder I mixed them up

Going through my emails, I made a very strange discovery. Those Emilys I got mixed up last Saturday for the sushi class even had the same last name. This is what happened. One day I received a phone call from Emily, who said she was calling from Paris and wanted to book seats in my sushi class as a birthday present. I told her I was about to announce new class schedule, which I did a few days later. Then I received an email from 'Emily Wilson' requesting two seats for sushi class. On the SAME day I also got an email from Melissa requesting reservation for her and 'Emily Wilson.' Of course I thought it was the same 'Emily' and replied to Melissa that Emily already sent me email. Since I remembered that it was supposed to be birthday present, I sent payment request to Emily for two people. Melissa and the other Emily were never billed. But this other Emily was first one to show up on Saturday, who I completely believed that it was Emily who called me from Paris, who I thought was coming with a girlfriend. So when the first Emily showed up to the class with her boyfriend I was like, who are you? She said, I called you from Paris, remember? I was very confused. I thought I just got mixed up because they were both Emily. Now my mix-up is justified. What's the probability of this? I feel like I've just won a lottery. Too bad it wasn't a lottery. I hope the third Emily who attended the class wasn't Wilson. That would be too spooky.
on december 13, 2006 @ 12:53 am [link]

even the Master run around in December

Friday morning, I came downstairs and found a note on the door of our building: "Due to repair, water main will be shut off between 12pm - 4pm today." "Yea, no work this afternoon!" I felt like a kid just notified of a snow day. Should I go to a gym, or should I do laundry? After I went for a extra long shopping round for supplies, water was already back. My snow day was over.

Saturday was my last cooking class of the year. 7 people showed up to Sushi master class instead of 5 I thought I booked. It turned out that I was mixed up two Emily. And there was even another Emily, which made 50% Emily among 6 women in the class. We rolled and rolled away delicious sushi rolls and it was another fun session.

First half of the evening was delivery day. By the time Kathy brought in her gang and it was pretty calm and we had a little party. We had arm wrestling match, then against my plea Kevin, Linda, and Rachel did some acrobatic act which was probably more illegal than dancing in this tiny joint.

December is called 'Shiwasu' in Japan, which may translate as the time 'even the Master run around.' There seemed to be heavy traffic everywhere, especially around midtown. It was already dark when I got to my favorite gym in Hell's Kitchen. I took a long swim in a beautiful dimly lit swimming pool. I saw the lights in the windows of the residential tower right next to it through skylight, which made me feel like I was swimming under stars. I made a stop at Macy's on the way back; the shoe department was like a disaster area waiting for FEMA to show up to clean up all the shoes and boxes scattered around. I couldn't find a pair of boots I liked. Upstairs tiny individual alarms set on expensive coats were beeping everywhere, and I was so glad not to be working there. Seems like it's going to be too warm to snow all week. I may not need my new coat yet.
on december 11, 2006 @ 01:31 am [link]

mortify me

I stambled into this yet another greatest website last night, Mortified: Woe and Tell. This is where you can post and share your own or view other people's most mortifying past. I've sent an extremely mortifying letter to this boy I was obsessed with in junior high. Unfortunately with a help of my best friend it reached him and spooked him out. If this letter was ever recovered now it will totally destroy me and I will retire and become a monk in the deepest mountains of Tibet. However, I think the very most mortifying act of all I've participated was in 6th grade. I had my gang in school which consisted of tall, strong, and popular girls and a few dorks. One of the gang member, the dorkiest one had a crash on this boy, who was kind of like cross between Tom Cruise and Jim Belushi (he had a cute visage but a bit stocky). As great friends, we were determined to make them our royal couple. So one afternoon we got together in my house, wrote worst poems, and recorded a love confession audio casette. She read the poems and in between we recorded love songs like 'Endless Love.' Next day the tape was safely presented to him. He quietly ignored our effort, but I'm sure he had sleepless nights since us the most powerful gang in school was behind this project. If this tape ever surfaced, I'm sure I'd laugh and cry until I go insane. I think this will be a great website to review around the holidays with your family and friends back home. It will bring back the painful memories.
on december 6, 2006 @ 03:07 pm [link]

in my village

I was thinking about her during laundry in the afternoon, I swear. Kristin showed up Saturday evening after 5 weeks of trekking across New England. She was so beautifully glowing, sharing her story. I think that's crazier than running a marathon! "I would do it again!" she said, which is excatly how I feel after running 26 miles.

Still having frustrating days not being able to run. So I went down to crash Betim's party after work on Saturday. Walking down Suffolk street with a bottle of sake in my hand, I felt like I was living in a dorm again, with friends next door, across the street, around the corner, all over my little 'village.' After rounds of sake and meeting with whole bunch of new friends, I safely woke up in my apartment with half clothes on. I was glad to find my Japanese hang-over remedy in medicine cabinet. Oh, how I felt so young again.

on december 6, 2006 @ 01:04 am [link]

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