Tree guys arrived
It's very pretty around the city with trees changing colors. The tree in front of our building turned golden yellow, then the leaves are falling all over the sidewalk. We got so much sweeping to do every day. Two trees right by Williamsburg bridge on Delancey are wearing some incredible colors. Bright red on top, then yellows and some greens left on the bottom. I should start carrying my camera around. People are back in town. We had a very busy delivery day. Christmas tree guys arrived on Houston street. This year they are also selling ornaments in their tent and looks very festive. Should I dress up my restaurant or should I stick to our Festivus tradition of 'no ornaments.' Maybe it's time for my pumpkin lights to come down.
on november 27, 2007 @ 12:36 am [
Turkey was roasted, potatoes were mashed. After three hours of 'Thanksgiving challenge' in my tiny kitchen stadium, I had a winning Thanksgiving dinner with my friends. We staffed ourselves, and burned Amaretto cookie wrappers and made wishes. The perfect ending of a quiet holiday weekend in the city for me was 15k cross country race in Bronx this morning. It was defininately worth the long trip riding through MTA's quite messed up weekend service. Three loops of rolling hills through the trails was just what I needed to shed off calories from holiday binge.
on november 25, 2007 @ 10:44 pm [
aroma is already beginning to fill the room
At 10 o'clock in the morning I thought I was ahead of the crowd, but the Union Square market was already bustling with other holiday cooks getting ready for tomorrow. This has been my ritual the day before the holiday; shopping for fresh herbs and beautiful vegetables at the green market. I got some Japanese turnips, beets, brussels sprouts on stalk, a mixed berried pie, and of course fragrant bunches of rosemary, sage, and thyme. I'm ready for a nice leisury afternoon of cooking. I wouldn't mind some more rain.
on november 22, 2007 @ 12:03 am [
Getting ready for the feast
This weekend finally all the leaves in the park really turned yellow gold and red. After extended summer it feels we are having nice extended fall. And the holiday season is upon us. I got my turkey this morning- waiting to be roasted beautifully in a few days. I had a chat with Ana who called in for a delivery this evening: "I can't believe it's already the holiday this week!" "I know! Then next morning it will be Christmas!" "Then five minutes later it's the New Year!" "Then we'll be having the same conversation next year at this time!" Sometimes, the end seems so near. But that's not the case when you're running a marathon. Thank god that sometimes the time seems to go so slow.
on november 20, 2007 @ 12:45 am [
After the festivities
So the eventful two weeks went really fast. I ran my 9th marathon on November 4th. So many people cheered me on, calling me "SOY!" because of my headband. Although I was feeling so unfit by Queensboro Bridge, I completed my journey in 3 hours and 25 minutes. I did wonder if I am going to do it again towards the end, but later when I realized I still ran faster than in year 2000, I felt that I want to do it next year. I took my parents for Blue Man show and got pieces of bananas all over my jacket. Hiking in Bear Mountain the day after the marathon was a little too ambitious. But I did walk up to the top of the tower. My parents enjoyed very much hanging around at SOY meeting all the regulars. My cat religiously woke up my mother who was sleeping in my bed at six o'clock every morning. Cooking demonstration at the Botanical Garden was also a lot of fun. People loved colorful Chrysanthemum sushi. It was raining this morning when I took my mother to the airport. It's a long, long way home.
on november 14, 2007 @ 12:24 am [
marathon weekend is here
Last sunday I finally ran a good race, for the first time after last year's sprain and this year's scooter accident: first award since September 2006. My metabolic rate seems extremely high this week, and I'm hungry all the time. I have to eat something every two hours. My parents arrived from Japan earlier this week and we marched in the Halloween parade. Tonight they were entertained by my friends at SOY. If you are going to be in the cheering section, here's my predicted
arrival times.
on november 2, 2007 @ 11:52 pm [