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October 2010

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soy diary

New ride

He's making a fast progress on his solid walks. I no longer carries him up the stairs in the stroller, but I let him walk home. He walks down the hallway, go to the mailbox and mess with it for a while then crawls up the stairs. At half way he calls out 'Ichi(one)!' pointing at the number on the wall. Then he'll notice on the second floor, number 2 on the wall, then points and calls out 'Ni!' Sometimes I try to walk down the street with him and he jumps on top of every basement door to make noise, and walks up to every door to bang on it. Of course he wants to walk into every store, so I usually have to snatch him up if I need to go anywhere. Finally I had a child seat installed on a bicycle, and now we have another vehicle! Last wednesday was our first test ride, but of course he hated it, cried with tears when I put him in it, and really hated the cute green helmet, and I was totally discouraged. But as soon as I started riding awkwardly he stopped crying and started making cute little noises behind me. We made it to the library where he enjoyed taking books off the shelves and throwing them on the floor, heading to the stairs trying to get downstairs, dashing to the computers and mess with older kids, etc. Veteran parents are all telling me that this is going to be an exhausting year. Oh, yes, I can see that. Today I was going to take another ride to the Governors Island, but the island was already closed for the season. So we went further to Battery Park City and enjoyed the beautiful sunset on the lawn. Today he seemed to enjoy the bike ride whole a lot more, oooing and aaaing behind me. He didn't even protest too much to the helmet. On the ride back he lifted my shirt and tickled my back for a while and fell asleep, missing the beautiful evening view along the river.
on october 18, 2010 @ 12:22 am [link]

Taiyo's no.1!

A week ago Taiyo turned One! (and I can't believe I haven't made a report til now.) On his birthday he had a 'tofu cake' dressed with his favorite berries. Of course we couldn't get the best photo because he refused to wear his hat and kept lunging into his cake. Following sunday bunch of his favorite people gathered for a picnic in the East River Park, and of course we couldn't get the best shot of him with the cake because he kept trying to dive into it. But under a gloomy sky, he had a blast over his carrot cake and right afterwards he had to poop holding onto the cake box, providing an extra entertainment for the guests. His Frankenwalk is masterfully turning into Penguin walk, and finally occasionally walking around with shoes on! He already figured out the buttons on the dishwashing machine, and don't be surprised if he brings you a menue next time you come into the restaurant. His daily tasks already include wiping the windows and tables, sweeping (or pretending to sweep) the floor, and saying good-bye to everyone. I told you he'll be helping me as soon as he walks!
on october 2, 2010 @ 01:57 am [link]

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