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October 2009

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soy diary

my little sunshine

Boy, I have forgotten to write an entry for a while. It's all his fault. His name is Taiyo, "the Sun" in Japanese. I spent the past month in a fuzz- there was no day and night, and many days I've spent not really doing anything but looking at him, and caring for him. We had a few weeks of luxury with no work, for much needed recovery and adjustment for new life. It keeps going, and it keeps changing. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to do everything. But my belly shrunk nicely, and I'm going around on my bicycle again. He is already one month old and people tell me that the time goes so fast, he will grow so fast that I won't remember anything. True, all the inconvenience and discomfort of pregnancy was quickly forgotten by the traumatic process of childbirth, and even that memory of unbelievable pain is fading. I was totally overwhelmed by the arrival of crying baby in the first week, but by second week I learned that his piercing cry didn't mean that he was in excruciating pain like I was when I was crawling around the floor in the delivery room. I have not paid much attention to the outside world these days and realized this morning that the leaves changed colors overnight. No, I won't be running the marathon next week. That's ok, I'll enjoy sleeping late on sundays for a while.
on october 23, 2009 @ 06:49 pm [link]

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