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surviving the summer

Every day is survival with a baby. Some lucky days go by with no major problem. He would eat well, play well, and sleep well. Other days I want to quit business, and/or want to just shoot myself in head. Many times I wonder how other people do it, with even more than one kid in the house. Am I trying to be such a perfectionist, trying to do business as usual and be a perfect mother for Taiyo at the same time? I actually feel like I'm not trying enough that business is slow, and other times I just blame it on economy. Last night perhaps for the first time Taiyo woke up in the middle of the night crying uncontrollably without being able to go back to sleep for an hour. Even if he wakes up during the night, he was always able to fall back to sleep rather quickly. He didn't have fever, he just kept tossing about fussing and moaning. I held him and walked around, I put him down on the floor, I laid him down on bed, but he kept crying. I was almost ready to head to an emergency room but eventually he calmed down. I never found out what it was, but concluded it may have been his first episode of nightmare. Good thing is that we enjoyed sleeping late for the first time in months, and he was pretty content for the rest of day. No plans tomorrow- hopefully we can sleep in late again. Supposed to be another steamy summer day.
on july 18, 2010 @ 12:37 am [link]

that was our week

On Independence Day, Taiyo stood up on his own and clapped hands. He's really getting ready to walk. It was like I picked a wrong week for vacation- serious heat wave confined us mostly indoors. We were still able to enjoy our new jogging stroller in the evening along the river. We took an overnight road trip to Rhode Island to see Taiyo's grandma. Although he hated the long car ride, he enjoyed the company of four little cousins and plenty of toys around the house. He also went to the beach for the first time; he was scared of the waves, but loved eating a peach on the beach. Two days to recouperate from the trip, and we had to get back to work. Usually I'm so ready to go back to work after a little time off, but things are so different with the little guy around. It was just too short. He's beginning to imitate some words I say. It's so fascinating.
on july 13, 2010 @ 12:10 am [link]

another staycation

Two years ago, I took a vacation but didn't go anywhere. I said, "I'm vacationing in the city." I thought I was being original, but someone said, "ah, staycation." The new word was just beginning to become the norm. I enjoyed doing all the things I hardly get to do, from getting a pedicure to taking a salsa lesson. This year I'm doing a staycation again, which begins tomorrow, this time with my little one! Just in time, the jogging stroller arrived, which I ordered the other night after a few beers and a glass of sake. Ironman Sport Utility Stroller: yes, it is the SUV of strollers. During Taiyo's afternoon nap, I figured out my new beast. Of course as soon as he got up, we went for a test drive to the East River Park. He looked so tiny again in this enormous vehicle. During our absent for the past few weeks, finally they pretty much finished the waterfront promenade. But after so many months of not running much at all, I couldn't even enjoy the full length of the park. We had a little picnic on the lawn and got a little wet at the fountain. Unfortunately Taiyo didn't enjoy the smooth ride as much as I did, but hopefully he'll get used to it since I'll be running around town this coming week! Happy Fourth of July and hope you'll enjoy as much as we would.
on july 4, 2010 @ 12:43 am [link]

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