English Hothouse Cucumber
According to weekly updates I receive from babycenter, at 26 weeks my little boy is now 14 inches long, or about the size of a "English Hothouse cucumber." What the hell?? So uncute. They often have a strange pick of a vegetable or a fruit to describe my baby. Then Mark goes, "well, he is a boy..."
on june 19, 2009 @ 11:20 pm [
New toy

I have found another great toy in my hallway; it's Fractiles-7, "Exciting Magnetic Tiling Toy for ages 6 to Adult." With three colored diamond-shaped magnetic tiles, you can make different shapes and designs. Possibility is endless! Just a kind of toy I like.
My friends are telling me that now my belly is popping, but I'm somewhat disappointed that I'm still not getting much attention on my run. Sometimes I feel a quiet stare, but it seems like I got more cheering when I was skinny and fast, but not now when I'm pregnant and slow. Maybe I should start running in my jog bra, with my belly all exposed. That would really get people's attention. He's got lots of hiccups today.
I have decided to postpone my jury duty appearance to August, thinking that I'll be much bigger in the final month of pregnancy and probably have more chance of not getting picked for a jury. I am assuming that having have to go to bathroom so often may be a good excuse, besides the fact that perhaps I'm too opinionated to serve as a juror to begin with.
on june 17, 2009 @ 08:35 pm [
oh my god

I came across this 'poster' on the web- it's so wrong, it's so crazy, and could not just pass without sharing. It made me still love the web. Also a site like
Cute Overload brightens my day. Oh my god.
Rain returned; it feels like we're having so much rain this year. But this is still not like a rainy season in Japan, where it pretty much rains continuously for a whole month! Your clothes get moldy, your shoes get moldy, but this is why they produce good rice.
People has began to notice my increasing body mass. I figured it's about to time to reveal a secret I've been hiding under my apron, and began making announcement. Yes, I'm into 6th month as a pregger and the new boss will arrive in September. Some customers are already worried about the fate of SOY, but the boss will just make me work harder until one day I revolt and make him my little slave. Hopefully he'll be another great toy for everyone to enjoy at SOY.
on june 5, 2009 @ 06:21 pm [