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soy diary

my music

My favorite cherry season is here! Early this week I spotted those beautiful yellow cherries with rosey cheeks in Chinatown. Next week or two, my diet is going to include a daily fix of a pound of cherries.

I was listening to Tom Waits for two days and at the end of the night Shazad brought in Marc Ribot, whose fabulous guitar is on many of Tom Waits' songs. I got to take picture with him which he signed, "Etsuko, your food is music!" It totally made my day. It was such a compliment now that food is my medium of art. I'm so happy to make my music every day.
on june 29, 2006 @ 01:46 am [link]

"teen buzz"

I was telling Esther that I read somewhere about the ringtone adults can't hear. The next day she came to work and she said she found this mosquito ringtone on the internet. (Of course. You find anything on the internet.) She said she (24) could hear it, but her 26 year-old friend couldn't hear it. I was on the case right away when Trajal walked in for some lemonade. "Do you hear it?" "Yes, I hear it." "How old are you?" "38." We were disappointed that he could hear it. I (36) could hear it just faintly. Obviously Esther can hear a lot louder. Later in the afternoon there were a couple of young looking guys having lunch and Esther told me to play it. "Let's see it repells them!" "But Esther, I don't think they are teenagers and they haven't paid!" But I played it anyway behind the music. To our disappointment they didn't seem to notice but I got stung by a (real) mosquito three times yesterday.
on june 23, 2006 @ 08:34 pm [link]


A few days ago, my cat Coco decided to set her alarm earlier by two hours. She's been waking me up at 5:45 am. It takes her longer than before to wake me up this time. But she's quite persistent. She sits there by the foot of my bed and repeats her 'meow' until I finally gives up cooking ramen in my dream and acknowledge her. I look my mechanical alarm clock and then yell at her, "Why, kitty. WHY?!?!!" And she just looks up at me with her cute oh-so-innocent-looking round eyes and shrugs her non-existing shoulder. The next day although I fed her more than usual before I went to bed, she woke me up at 5:45 again. Someone said maybe it's because it's getting lighter earlier now, but it suddently gets lighter by two hours, does it?

Cindy and Mel who make crazy Sushi Pillows brought me a cute edamame pillow, adding another thing to admire when you come to SOY.
on june 16, 2006 @ 12:38 am [link]

Kitty alarm

I was dreaming of cooking tofu steak when my cat woke me up at 7:53 am. She wakes me up every morning between 7:45 to 8 am by whining at the foot of my bed. It's been so accurate that I think she looks at the clock in the kitchen and says, 'it's time to go wake her up.' Or she's been with me so long she has become so Japanese and can't help herself but to be 'on time.' Some days, espeically on weekends, I really wish she would let me sleep in, but I can't figure out how to turn this kitty alarm off. I just have to crawl out of bed and feed her some fishy cat food to put her on snooze for a while.

on june 8, 2006 @ 12:31 am [link]

sweaty mornings

My nightmare a few mornings ago was that while I took a nap (which I never do) upstairs, and overslept by 2 hours, a french film crew had taken over my restaurant. When I hurried downstairs, the berets-wearing, wine-drinking french people were shooting a movie. I yelled at them that it was my restaurant and I never gave them a permission to do so, but they told me to calm down because it'll be over in 10 minutes. I paced back and force on the sidewalk, worrying that people are going to start calling us any minute for dinner deliveries, and after 10-15 minutes, or 20-30 minutes, I realized the Frenchies were lying. They just kept on doing whatever they were doing. I was very very upset when I woke up, and I made a promise to myself not to take a nap (which I've never done). This is why I say being an entrepreneur is like a disease; it's in your blood, it's in your head 24/7. You go to sleep and will be still thinking about your business. I occasionally have a nighmare about my workers, too, especially before I hire a new person, that he/she turned out to be a devil and starts cooking some strange dark liquid in the kitchen. Oh, yes, I wake up in sweats.

I had a good sweaty grey sunday morning in the central park, running 4.8-mile race. Although I was feeling not fit enough for it, I made a good start of my belated racing season with second place in age group. It makes me want to train more.

on june 4, 2006 @ 11:39 pm [link]

kitten found

Ikuko found a kitten crouched behind the garbage can outside the store yesterday. Beautiful blue gray kitten. I spotted Al down the street on the stoop and asked him if he knew this kitty. He didn't recognize her. This nice couple, our neighbor, walked by and joined the kitty rescue mission. They said they have a cat in the house, so first they should take her to their vet before taking into the house. I grabbed the kitten and we took a polaroid so we can post a flyer for the missing kitten. For the next hour before they can take her to the vet, I offered to keep her in the restaurant. There's plenty of little corners she can comfortably hide. When I took her in, she immediately ran to the back and went under a shelf by the refrigerator. Then she decided to go deeper behind the refridgerator, and I was afraid it would become another newsworthy Molly the cat rescue mission to save her from behind the refrigerator. I tried to lure her out with pieces of tuna, which my cat cannot resist. Customers were coming in for lunch already, and I had to forget about the kitty for 2 minutes at a time to fulfill our orders. Then kitty suddenly appeared from behind the refrigerator and I grabbed her to show her off, before she went hiding under the dishwasher. Little over an hour later, our neighbors returned and we dragged her from under the machine to send her to the vet. This morning Al told me that the 9-months old kitten is temporarily with someone on the block, and no one claimed her so far. But she was such a cute kitty she wouldn't have no problem find a new home.
on june 1, 2006 @ 01:02 am [link]

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