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May 2011

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soy diary

the end of the world

Since the rumour says that we are facing some apocalyptic disaster this coming saturday, I decided to pay some bills. Maybe we'll have a black-out and I won't be able to access internet. Oh, that would be a disaster. I don't want to have a service turn-off by con edison because my bills were unpaid. Oh, that would be so bad. If I can't use my credit cards since I didn't pay my bill, that's really the end of the world. Oh, boy. I only miss my youth since I didn't have so many bills to pay. My garbage can fills up so fast with all the bills and junk mails. Then all these heavily soiled diapers! I would worry about our garbage burying us alive before any other disaster strikes.

Yesterday Taiyo and I enjoyed a little bike ride in between rain. I just love a day I can enjoy with him, wandering around, as he directs me. I took him to the Union Square market, but he wanted to just ran around the streets. He loved touching the colorfully painted fire hydrants, looking at the windows and pointing at the cars. The other day he mastered a spoon trick- a little spoon hanging from his nose. He was so proud to do the trick he's been watching on his favorite Yo Gabba Gabba DVD. Some people think that watching TV is bad for babies, but I don't agree. Taiyo learned his ABCs from watching Elmo's ABC so many times. The other day 'Sid the Science Kid' had a story about brushing teeth, then he was brushing his teeth all day after that. He saw a story about echoes on Cat in the Hat, then now he would howl in the hallway every day to hear his voice echo. I don't think it's a bad idea that he can watch TV and learn something new while I take a shower, my precious time-out.
on may 20, 2011 @ 01:49 am [link]

allergy attack

For the first time in my life I'm suffering from pollen allergy. It suddenly started a few weeks ago, and immediately I knew I wasn't sick. My nose has been stuffed for weeks. Mornings are usually pretty bad, and some evenings I have easier time. Today is especially bad. I'm having hard time breathing all day. Luckily tomorrow supposed to be lower on the pollen count. It's supposed to rain- I may take Taiyo up to the Central Park Zoo which will be nice and quiet. Taiyo started saying 'sorry,' picked up from Lynne. He goes around people saying, 'sorry.' He burps and says, 'sorry.' He now also says 'thank you.' He likes singing with his guitar. It is just the cutest thing! When we passes by the palm reader around the corner, he sees the big sign of a hand and raises his little hand. 'Five.' He thinks it's a sign for high-five. He usually gets upset if I don't get up with him in the morning, but sometimes he would let me sleep in a bit longer. We've come a long way- now I don't really worry about him falling off the bed, am able to take a fairly long shower, and he even helps me vaccum the floor. For the longest while I wasn't able to vaccum with him around because he would cry. I usually don't have to chase him around the house to put a diaper on him, although I'm always chasing him around outside. His tantrums and melt-downs are still tough, but we laugh so much the rest of the day, every day. I made more pretty green tea an-pan (red bean buns) yesterday, and of course he started chanting 'an-pan, an-pan!' as soon as he saw them.
on may 15, 2011 @ 01:14 am [link]

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