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more crazy stuff

I had to mention these: Hillary Nut Cracker and Corkscrew Bill. Maybe not appropriate for Mother's day gift, though.
on april 24, 2009 @ 07:51 pm [link]


Presidential Pez Dispensers and Cabbage Patch Dolls are amusing, but nothing beats this Chia Obama. When I saw this on TV the other night, I died a little. It is so ridiculous I don't have a gut to get it for myself, but if someone wants to get me one, I would treasure it.
on april 23, 2009 @ 08:11 pm [link]

High Holiday or it's just tea time

This earth-loving kind of guy came in today and informed me that this is April 20, or 420 day, or National Pot Smoker's Day. I still learn something new every day! Was it a code when someone asked me if I've done something for Earth Day? We had a very busy delivery night today, and at the end of the day I figured, Ah, it was 420 day.
on april 20, 2009 @ 11:34 pm [link]

what's the deal with Easter Bunny

The mystery holiday came around again: Easter. I baked "Chocolate Cross Bun" on Friday, which came out pretty bad. Why, because I'm not religious? I do screw up sometimes. Tal came and asked me, "Why is it called Good Friday if Jesus was crusified?" I dunno. I don't know everything, people! Anyway, Easter is a holiday I still don't get. Am I supposed to do something? And what's up with "Easter Bunny?" I ask every year to people, and no one really seem to know what it is. Mark said, "South Park had the answer!" Oh, yes, that brilliant episode on the secret of Easter, which I probably wrote about before. This year, I came across "Evil Easter Bunny" video and had a very good laugh. Other than that, it was a mellow weekend for me.
on april 15, 2009 @ 04:51 pm [link]

back from the paradise

So I quickly went in and out of the paradise last week for my spring break. The sky was blue, the ocean was turquoise, and the air was dry. It rained the first night, but I had perfect sunny days for the rest of my stay. The house I stayed was right on a quiet beach, and just the ocean view from my window and terrace eased all the stress. Sun was so strong: I spent three hours on the beach under umbrella and got burned because of inadequate application of sunblock. So the next day I spent walking around Marigot, the French side capital. Food was great- fresh croissants, strong frozen drink and barbecued chicken on the beach, sweet fresh guavas and mangoes from green market. Only thing was that I wasn't prepared for mosquito attacks at night- although it was dry "winter" season, I attracted enough mosquitoes at night. Also, this island tend to get serious traffic congestion; late afternoon when I headed to Philipsburg, Dutch side capital, only 15-mile drive took one and a half hours! Otherwise, it was a perfect quick vacation. It always amazes me how clean the water can be at the beach in Caribbean.
on april 9, 2009 @ 08:20 pm [link]

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