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April 2007

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Let's get happy

Friday afternoon around 5 o'clock, Gerald, Jay, and Josh from Psyop came in and demanded Happy Hour. So I gave them a vey happy hour with $4-glass of sake. They had a nice little break and went hopping back to their office to finish work. So I should announce SOY Happy Hour: Monday to Friday between 4pm to 6pm. And I have the perfect theme song to play- "Doing the Unstuck" by the Cure. "it's a perfect day for dreams come true- for thinking big and doing anything you want to do- let's get happy!"

I passed by 2nd Avenue and 10th Street yesterday morning, and shocked to see a big CHASE logo over the corner store where 2nd Avenue Deli used to be. Across from that used to be another good restaurant Rectangles, now North Fork Bank. Why do we have more and more banks these days? Do we have more money to put away? Just the other day I was talking to friends about the big storefront at the corner of Norfolk and Delancey, where That Ugly Blue Building built over, and Gem store decided wrap up and leave just in time for the new tenants arrived in the fancy building. "I'm sure they put another bank in there." I said. America must have the highest number of banks per capita in the world. Does anyone have the statistics?

Naked Earth Cafe moved from around the corner to be our neighbor on the block. Weather has been just really beautiful and business has been good. I'm pretty happy. With or without a glass of sake.
on april 29, 2007 @ 12:52 am [link]

I want to be famous

54% of hedge-fund managers are said to suffer from the Icarus syndrome, a fear of flying too close to the sun adn crashing to Earth. I keep hearing about these hedge fund managers who make insane amount of money- which sounds kind of nice. I do dream about becoming rich and famouse some day, but if I have to take either I would take fame. Anyway, I'm feeling far safe from suffering the Icarus syndrome. I feel my feet barely lifted off the ground these days. Feeling like I could almost fly. That's good feeling. Everyday I still have someone walking in for the first time and after they spend little time savoring over my dishes they praise me, my food, my little joint. "This is my new favorite restaurant!" They exclaim. And I feel a little famous. Feels good.

It's getting warm and our kitchen is getting already hot, hot, hot!
on april 24, 2007 @ 04:43 pm [link]

My road to recovery has been frustratingly long. After 10 days since 'staples' came out from the injury, I was finally able to pedal bicycle, very uncomfortably yet, this morning. It is still a major step from until yesterday's 'can almost pedal bicycle' to 'can kind of pedal bicycle like a normal human being.' Running is still totally out of question. So with this excuse I enjoyed another day off staying indoor. Since it felt like summer outside, I took out my summer clothes from closet. A hasty move that I may regret in a few days. But I mostly wear only short sleeve t-shirts all year round. Ikko san came and said that he went for picnicking under cherry blossom in New Jersey. Very important seasonal Japanese custom: getting drunk under cherry blossom. In spring we have cherry blossom forecast with weather on TV newscast. I may have missed the peak this year.
on april 23, 2007 @ 03:19 pm [link]

Back on my feet

Finally those staples came off my knee and I thought I would be jumping around again. Well, not so fast. After two weeks of keeping it straight, my right knee lost the ability to bend. Ernie told me that it's supposed to take 3 to 5 days for each day you don't use your muscle to recover to the previous state. So it's supposed to take at least 52 days for me to get back? But I'm making progress. At least today I was able to bend my knee slightly more than yesterday. My cat Coco is back to her usual early morning whining schedule, waking me up between 5-6 am daily. I'm learning to pedal bicycle with one leg. I was able to get a load of laundry today. That's an accomplishment! I also had another good cooking class this afternoon. My track club teammate Margot was among my students. She's heading out to Boston in the storm tomorrow to run the marathon on Monday. Good luck, Margot, but don't break a leg!

on april 15, 2007 @ 01:07 am [link]

Living like a queen

So I survived the first week after accident living like a queen, a spoiled brat, or a bossy boss, ordering people to do things for me left and right. Everyone's helping. My customers passing menues, drinks, plate of dishes. Many of my friends came by to help out, and I was just so grateful. My right leg is so tired from not being able to bend. Five more days to go and I'll be free again. Unfortunately I had to turn down several holiday brunch invitations today, but it was a strange blessing to have a perfect excuse to stay home all day in my pajama. The most interesting thing is that my old and whiny cat Coco hasn't been waking me up in the middle of night. She knows I'm hurt! Ernie said, "You should wear your supporter around the house all the time, so she won't wake you up at night." That's a thought. I'm very much saddened to hear that our great neighbor Tonic is closing next week. I served so many of their staff, musicians, and customers all these years. I became friends with many crazy musicians. When I started my purse shop in 1998, John and Melissa was also new neighborhood business owners. We sat down a few times and wondered what we could make of our neighborhood, which was way before all these new trendy restaurants and bars arrived. I feel this is the end of an important page of our history of the Lower East Side.
on april 8, 2007 @ 10:57 pm [link]

spring break!

So I was back to my favorite island for spring break and obviously I've gone too wild. I had a scooter accident and came back with five stitches in my knee. My local friends said,
"you've experienced Bermudian road rage!" Now not being able to bend my knee at all for two weeks, I'm limping my way around. All my employees laughed at me today, which should say something about me; this crazy boss is always getting into trouble. I don't get sick but I get injured like a kid all the time, they think. I guess that notion is not far off. There's danger involved when you go out and have fun! But overall it was a beautiful holiday. And my people are doing exceptional work my butt hurts after sitting all day.
on april 4, 2007 @ 09:44 pm [link]

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