his first shoveling duty

After the Christmas blizzard Taiyo cried in the doorway while I shoveled. He didn't want to come out and play. But this time when it began snowing tuesday night he mumbled, "Yuki (snow)," pointing out the window. Next morning when I began shoveling, of course he wanted to take over! Andrew came out with his camera and we had another photo shoot. His vocaburary is expanding, his dance moves improving, Taiyo is turning into a little charmer. Often he would insist sitting with a customer and demand sharing their food. We go food shopping and he would exclaim "Nana!" and shopkeepers give him bananas. He would flash his killer dimples and gets so much compliment. He tests my limits and cracks me up million times a day. When someone goes into bathroom he looks at me and says, "Poo?" pointing to his bottom, asking, "Is he pooping?" I answer, "Yes, maybe." Sure, it's tough when he starts screaming after he gets up because I won't follow immediately in the morning, or when he refuses to wear a hat and mittens in 20-degree weather, but when he calls me "Mama," pointing his little finger at me, nothing else matters anymore.
on january 15, 2011 @ 01:22 am [