Bestest birthday ever

It was a really long day. I finished the cake last night around midnight, which was much better than the previous year. I failed in two test runs, and per Taiyo's request I was baking vanilla cake with chocolate frosting. It was totally a new territory for me. And although I thought I failed at times, the result was pretty phenomenal. With Elliot's help the food table looked just amazing and they all tasted so incredible. It was wonderful to see little people really enjoying the garden and with all the presents of course it was another BESTEST DAY EVER for Taiyo and I could totally match that, too.
Good bye summer

Last weekend, we took a scenic train ride along Hudson to Poughkeepsie. A tall young man with a cowboy hat picked us up at the train station. Taiyo greeted him with "Howdy." We were spending Labor Day weekend at a family resort Rocking Horse Ranch. This place was packed with families, many of them with at least one small child under 5 and soon you'll see why. They offer so much entertainment, loads of activities safe for little ones. Great indoor and outdoor swimming pools, all kinds of water and land sports, and of course, horseback riding. Besides day camp for older kids, there was a nursery for tots and babies which Taiyo totally loved. The room full of toys and some grown-ups who will play with him. First day, I left him there and went out to ride a horse. On our second day he told me to go on two trail rides so he can stay at the nursery longer. So I enjoyed running through the woods and of course came back with back and butt ache. For Taiyo, these little rocking horse was better deal than a real thing. Aside from food they served it was wonderful vacation. We really didn't have to go too far to enjoy everything from fireworks, and magic shows, to roasted marshmallows by lakeside camp fire. Like Disney World, overall experience was a bit too mainstream and "American(not in a good way)," but we'd definitely go back and if the food was better we'd even stay longer. As we were heading back to NYC, Taiyo repeated, "One day, I want to go back to Rocking Horse Ranch. OK, mama?" And that's how we said good bye to our summer.
caught in summer rain

There's definitely something romantic about shooting in film. I found a roll of slide film and decided to develop it. I had no clue when it was shot and what was on it. It turned out to be from my last trip to Japan five years ago. Color was faded, but some are still beautiful pictures because they were from my favorite old city of Kamakura. It was kind of like running into an old lover. Missing a little, but it's something I left behind.
So I really wanted to make it to Bronx Zoo before summer ends. This seemed to be our last chance. Last few times when I asked Taiyo, he didn't want to go there. But this time he agreed. He wanted to go. So we did. But this became a doomed trip. I wanted to try the express bus, but he insisted on subways. Oh boy he loves subways. The ride was smooth and uneventful. But when we got off the station and headed toward the gate, I could see a crowd blocks ahead. It was a donation day, free admission, and it seemed like every large-numbered minority family from five boroughs gathered there for a convention. There was a long line down the block from the entrance, which was inching ahead. As we made a slow progress to the zoo, thunder roared. I managed to purchase an umbrella, just a minute before it began to rain, soon harder and harder. The $4 umbrella was so leaky it was terribly uncomfortable. But soon the line suddenly started moving. People just pushed themselves through the gate, and we were in! But it was raining so hard we just stood under a little tree which wasn't giving us much of refuge for 20 more minutes. Then we just got so sick of standing around, so we went to nearby indoor exhibit. Despite we got a little wet, Taiyo was in good spirit. Then we saw some mice, butterflies, giraffes, rode the bug carousel, and went to eat. By the time we sat down it began to rain steadily again. We were outside but under a roof. We ate, and sat- for a long time. It didn't stop for quite some time. I decided not to look at the clock. Taiyo found some friends - he makes friends everywhere - a cute giggly toddler girl with amazing Afro hair, and older girl with beaded braids. They chased each other around, which was such a cute sight, like kittens playing in a ball. After they left, Taiyo was already tired. I was also wet and tired. I wasn't sure Dinasaur Safari was supposed to be operating in the rain. Even though that was the main reason to go there before the end of summer, we had to let it go. I got him a mini light sword at the gift shop, and we were heading home- when I realized, "Taiyo, where's your kitty?" He took his stuffed kitty with him today "because the kitty's never been to the zoo." This was his favorite grey kitty he slept with almost everyday of his life. The kitty was his baby. The kitty was his love. We lost the kitty. This was a disaster. Taiyo probably left it at the cafeteria. I was tired and wanted to just go but of course Taiyo wanted to go look. We did. We couldn't find the kitty. Taiyo dragged feet to the subway with his head hanging. I was impressed that he didn't go nuts over this event. When we got onto the subway, he just wanted to sleep. So the ride home was pretty quick. When he woke up after getting off the subway, of course he said, "Mama, I want the same kitty." So I searched, after he went to sleep at night, and it's like another internet miracle, I found the same kitties sold on eBay. The new originals are not in production anymore, but used ones are listed on auctions. Taiyo once decided to call it "the famous kitty" and it was true. It was a famous kitty. It was a character from a children's book, and it was kind of a "collectible." So of course I ordered one and it's on the way! I think it will end well after all.
short hot summer

I've been sleeping without A/C this week and it feels like summer is quickly fading away. I was just compiling "Things to do before summer ends" list last week- which turned out to be the exact headline for TimeOut New York this week. We checked off "beach" on Wednesday; we took a commuter ferry to Rockaway. It was a perfect day, a bit windy but ocean was calm. One-hour ferry ride was beautiful, giving us a tour of New York city shoreline. I've never taken this ferry before, and now this will be one of my favorite summer outings.
Today we headed out for the last installment of "Summer Streets," which has always been on my "must-do list of summer." It's another unique experience of the city I enjoyed for years. Before Taiyo I did the long run all the way up to the Central Park. With Taiyo we always did at least part of the route on bike. It was another perfect day with mild temperature and blue sky, but this time I found it hardly enjoyable because it was too crowded. There were simply too many people, and too many bikes. It was like all these people who rarely ride bikes came out all together. Gang of blue Citi bike riders of course made the situation worse. And walkers who were in the bike lane would not move when I rang bell. It was annoying and stressful that I moved Summer Streets to the "Do-Not-Bother" list.
It was exciting week after all, starting Monday's hospital day. Taiyo finally made it to the operating room experience for his teeth. We had to wait for four hours for the procedure, but the waiting room at Mount Sinai hospital was the "bestest" as Taiyo described. The room for children waiting for operation was equipped with wonderful toys and even two attendants who were at his service since he was the only kid in the room. I just sat and read newspaper while two ladies entertained Taiyo. Then after two hour operation he came out with six fully silver covered molars. He was already half-awake calling me when he came out of the operating room, but quickly fell back to sleep for two more hours. When he finally woke up, he asked me if he can go back downstairs and play some more.
A is for August

So here we are, at the beginning of the last month of the summer. Mercury is already easing down to tell us the end if near. Last week I decided to replace the old and not-efficiently-working air conditioner. The day I put in deposit for the replacement turned out to be the last day of heatwave. The new unit was installed yesterday and it's so fabulous I'm very happy with my purchase. Another happy purchase this week was Wolverine 35mm film scanner. Since I wasn't able to use my old film scanner which was of much better quality but seriously painfully dreadfully slow on this new computer, I couldn't scan some of my b/w negatives. Last night I've done four rolls in about half an hour and I just loved it. Like Taiyo would say, quite often these days, "I love it! I loooovvve it!" Details b/w can capture is simply incredible, and I still shoot 35mm film and develop them in my kitchen late at night. So thanks to my new little super gadget(it's just a little box!), I found some old pictures from last year, like the one above at the Aquarium in Coney Island, and we were there a week before Sandy. It was somewhat eerie to see these pictures because of the time significance. We haven't gone back there since. This will be on the top of the list of things to do before the summer ends.
accidental day-off, again

Today was the second attempt for Taiyo's dental treatment under full anesthesia at Mount Sinai. Last month he became sick the night before. This time at 6 am I got a call that the doctor is calling in sick. So again, it didn't happen. I decided to keep our day off. I really wanted to get it done, but now maybe next month, or the day before his first day of school. That's kind of cruel, but I don't like the idea of further delay. We are getting better at brushing at least three times a day, but I'm still so nervous to make it any worse. So anyway, we enjoyed a gloomy day, less hot but still very humid, out and about. We went to Intrepid, a place I would probably never go if I didn't have a son or had to pay for it. My membership to Brooklyn Children's Museum, which we think is one of the best places in the city to go, gives me access to Intrepid, also. It's super touristy, way too patriotic, and although Taiyo loves to sit in a rocket, a little helicopter and a boat, mess with some buttons and turn some knobs, he doesn't care too much of any of those stuff anyway. I asked him if he wanted to see Space Shuttle, but he didn't really care. This is extra admission($7)to the rip-off price of entering Intrepid ($24), so I didn't mind missing it. So we spent about an hour there and we were bored. A bowl of nice ramen noodle soup at Tabata on 9th Ave, then we were ready to head home and relax. It was mellow but still exhausting day. It's still too hot. But only a month and a change left of this summer I kind of miss it already.

Oh, I truly hoped so. This time the attempt was to a place that was close enough and can be arrived by train: Philadelphia. There's many things to see and do, and we were staying by the river with view of the city. How difficult could it be? Oh it be with a not-even-four-year-old. First the subway got stuck at 23rd street. "It's not so far we can walk!" We started to walk and it began to rain. We got to Penn Station and it was packed- the day before 4th of July. We walked all the way to the back of the train but there was no two seats together available. I asked a middle-aged woman if she could switch since I have a small child, and she refused. I was so discouraged but someone else offered to switch. Taiyo was very bubbly and excited even iPad couldn't keep him quiet and still. An hour and a half later, we arrive at Philly, and I'd rather take a cab but Taiyo insists on subway. So we took subway. Pretty easy trip. But when I emerged to the ground I wasn't quite sure which way to go. A store clerk nearby just made a strange face when I asked which way was Hyatt Hotel. Great impression of the city. We walked to the river then the hotel was visible, but still blocks away. At least when we finally settled in the hotel room, he loved it. "Five pillows!" he was ecstatic. Right away we enjoyed dipping in the swimming pool, as he predicted before we left: "The funnest fun will be swimming pool."
So we had some fun, the next day at the science museum Franklin Institute, and view of so many fireworks from our window, but the next day he refused other choices like "Please Touch Museum," the children's museum. He finally agreed to take the ferry across to Adventure Aquarium on New Jersey side. But for $42 admission for two of us was a joke, a rip-off. We were done with the exhibits in one hour. He was still happy to eat some french fries at the cafeteria, then we came back. There was an outdoor food event by the hotel at Penn's Landing, which seemed suicidal in above 90 degree heat wave. So overall, it was hot, Taiyo was whiny, but we enjoyed daily swimming, and he totally enjoyed Cartoon Network. The train ride back was another challenge with bubbly noisy not-even-four-year-old who kept shouting "I'll poop in your mouth!" But we survived. I was thinking Disney World could be still easier vacation on the trip home.