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Good bye summer

Last weekend, we took a scenic train ride along Hudson to Poughkeepsie. A tall young man with a cowboy hat picked us up at the train station. Taiyo greeted him with "Howdy." We were spending Labor Day weekend at a family resort Rocking Horse Ranch. This place was packed with families, many of them with at least one small child under 5 and soon you'll see why. They offer so much entertainment, loads of activities safe for little ones. Great indoor and outdoor swimming pools, all kinds of water and land sports, and of course, horseback riding. Besides day camp for older kids, there was a nursery for tots and babies which Taiyo totally loved. The room full of toys and some grown-ups who will play with him. First day, I left him there and went out to ride a horse. On our second day he told me to go on two trail rides so he can stay at the nursery longer. So I enjoyed running through the woods and of course came back with back and butt ache. For Taiyo, these little rocking horse was better deal than a real thing. Aside from food they served it was wonderful vacation. We really didn't have to go too far to enjoy everything from fireworks, and magic shows, to roasted marshmallows by lakeside camp fire. Like Disney World, overall experience was a bit too mainstream and "American(not in a good way)," but we'd definitely go back and if the food was better we'd even stay longer. As we were heading back to NYC, Taiyo repeated, "One day, I want to go back to Rocking Horse Ranch. OK, mama?" And that's how we said good bye to our summer.