Category: Fun
Heat is on!
I don't know if the heat wave had something to do with it, but my bulky old TV's tube burnt out last week. One morning, a light went across the screen and it went black. First I thought it was the cable, but no. There was audio but we were no longer able to see the image on the screen. It's still sitting there, but we've been TV-less for the first time, very first time for Taiyo, and in the summer heat we've been busier with activities once again.
Last Saturday was actually very comfortable. Per Taiyo's request, we took a bike ride uptown to the Central Park Zoo. After our usual routine of visiting the gift shop (I warn him that we're not going to buy anything, but somehow he always wins), viewing and talking to the penguins, feeding of sheep and goats, and having a hot dog and french fries at the cafeteria, we headed home.
On the way back, we stopped at Madison Square Park, where there's always some interesting sculpture. Taiyo totally loved these colorful blobs that made cool sounds and music when he touched! This is definitely must-see public art this summer with a little one. They would go nuts!
Next day, Taiyo wanted to play some golf, so that's what we did on Governor's Island. As we headed to the ferry, Taiyo started singing on the back of the bike, "Going on a boat, going on a boat.." He's so good at making up a song these days. The boat was a lot emptier than the beginning of the season. Every time I go there, this island's forgotten old feel, colonial buildings, cannons and forts remind me of Cuba, especially with this heat. When we got to the parade ground, Taiyo headed to his favorite tree house, then we practiced some patting at mini golf. But heat with suffocating humidity was just brutal, and I asked him if we could just go for a bike ride, at least to get some breeze. He suggested lunch instead, and we headed to the food court nearby.
It's a perfect outdoor dining area with some food trucks, and he picked a sandwich, fruit salad (although he only liked pineapple chunks), and orange/mango juice. He couldn't eat much of the sandwich, but he surely was thirsty. We made a quick round of the island and headed home. He gets so excited at this beautiful little island and never lasts more than two hours. Of course he was fast asleep as soon as we got off the boat.
Island hopping

Taiyo sometimes disapproves my wardrobe choice. It's summer and I want to wear my cute summer dresses or tank tops on Sundays. But Taiyo may say, "I don't like it." He doesn't seem to be pleased with more skin exposure. "How about a shirt?" he says. Then I would take other clothes out and ask him, "How about this one?" until he says, "I like it." So the other day when we came across a street fair I let him pick a dress for me. We did agree this time.
On Sunday he wanted to go to the zoo again, but I convinced him to head to Governor's Island for FIGMENT art festival. The ferry was pretty crowded, but as soon as we got off the ferry, there were plenty of space, and oh, boy, so much fun things to participate at this great festival. He painted, did some swords fight with other toddlers, went up on a tree house, and practiced patting at miniature golf. I wanted to explore some more, but he was exhausted in just over an hour. Sun was strong and we got really hot in the big field, too. There were long lines at the food trucks, and he was too tired to think of food anyway. We couldn't cover too much, but it was very New York kind of wonderful event. Maybe someday he would realized that he's growing up in an amazing environment. He crashed as soon as we got off the ferry back to Manhattan.
gyoza, sushi, and ramen! Presidents! Soccer balls!
Presidents' Day! At 1:30am monday morning I'm truly appreciating that I have extra day off today. It's much needed and deserved holiday for me. After this I have cooking classes every week through April, which make 6-day work weeks. Mentally/emotionally I've been feeling like on the verge of burning out for a while, but it really takes a lot to burn me out. And clearly Taiyo got my genes. At 11pm when we close up the shop, he would literally run around each of my employees a bunch times, then he runs to hug that tree, then runs to the other direction to shake that tree. In his pajamas. It's the cutest thing.
We lunched at Jin on Grand Street yesterday. Upon entry, a waitress asked me if I could fold the stroller, although the place was fairly empty and there were lots of empty corners to park it. Then she tried to squeeze us to a little table right next to a couple dining, although the place was pretty empty- only three other tables were occupied. Taiyo ignored her and settled at a big round table, so I shrugged and followed his lead. Then although the place was rather empty, and Taiyo was chanting for "Sushi and Gyoza!" we were left unattended for quite a long time, until I asked the bus boy to send someone for our order. So the impression in the first 20 minutes was pretty bad. We had gyoza, sushi delux, and an eel/avocado roll. This place was not Japanese owned, which I could tell from menu, decor, and the fact that there was no wasabi on sushi (they served only on the side). Well, which usually makes the food mediocre, which was this place. And with absence of good service, I would never return to this joint. Taiyo did enjoy the food, despite of the funny expression in the photo above. He ate all the skin off the gyoza, eel/avocado roll, and some more rice from not-so-delux plate of sushi. Happy hour special helped, but otherwise this place is totally overpriced for the food.
Today we caught another show at New Victory Theater, "Brazil! Brazil!" It was so totally cool and much more enjoyable for me than last week's Bubble Show. Filled with great music, dance and acrobatics, they could've easily have a good run outside of children's theater. The films they had from Brazilian cities reminded me of Cuba, and I thought it would be a great place to visit one day- with Taiyo. He seemed to really enjoy the show, although he got restless sitting on my lap after 30 minutes (he refused to sit on his seat even though they give you a handy booster at this theater). We survived another theater experience. Everything's great about this theater, but they seriously need more bathroom. It's impossible to go to bathroom after the show.
We escaped the crowd at Times Square and went to have lunch at Tabata Ramen at 9th Avenue and 40th street. I've heard of the place and was meaning to check it out for a while, but we rarely travel that direction. Today we were as close as we'd get. And it was perfectly quiet at the restaurant, too. We were directed to a comfy corner with a bench. Of course Taiyo was already chanting for gyoza when he got to the table. So I ordered gyoza, fried chicken, and miso ramen. They promptly brought him a water glass with straw, cute plastic bowl and kids utencils, giving them high points for a kid-friendly restaurant. And food was wonderful, too. Especially the ramen was so tasty, and had lots of veggies, too. Extremely satisfying kind of ramen. This place became the best ramen place in town for me. Highly recommended. Since the waitress was so nice to Taiyo, he took so many pictures of her, one of which is this.
so many bubbles
On the last day of Off-Broadway week, we went to see The Gazillion Bubble Show at New World Stages. They were running Rent in the other theater, where Taiyo posed for a photo in front of a cool mural. The theater at the Bubble show was full of little people, and although I purchased a seat for him, Taiyo wanted to sit on my lap. Artistically the set and music was so tacky and cheesy, but Deni Yang did some interesting things with bubbles that I've never seen. There were some really cute bits with kids pulled out from the audience, and overall it was quite enchanting and entertaining. It is something you'd never think of seeing without a small kid, and I'm happy to experience something like this because of Taiyo. He also really enjoyed the show; he behaved very well, mostly sitting on my lap. He wanted run up the isle at one point during the show, but I told him not to and he listened.
After the show, Taiyo was over-stimulated and tired, and insisted for gyoza as he often does when he's exhausted. We wondered around and stumbled upon Rio & You on 45th Street. It was a nice little authentic Japanese restaurant with an old Japanese chef at the sushi counter. There was another older man on the floor, perhaps the proprietor, along with a Japanese waitress. It was not busy for Sunday lunch, and a few other tables had mostly Japanese patrons. Taiyo immediately picked a small table in the middle, although the waitress suggested a larger table for four with more room. She probably wanted us a bit away from other customers, too. Taiyo stood on the bench, and started chanting for gyoza. They brought him a glass of water with a very long straw- it was too tall for him seated. I had to hold the glass every time he tried to sip from the straw. We had gyoza and sashimi lunch set, which had beautifully arranged plate of sashimi, fried fish, kinpira gobo, salad, rice and soup. It was a great deal for $18, and food was very nice. Taiyo ate all the gyoza skins, and some of the fish. He didn't care for any of sashimi, which was fine with me. However, the waitress seemed bothered by Taiyo's behavior. She kept telling him to sit down when he was standing on the bench, and also told him to stop running around the restaurant. He only ran to the back when I asked him to get our check, and to bring the money to her, then maybe one more time for no reason. It made me uncomfortable to stay there too long, so for the service I don't recommend it for dining with a child.
can't have enough of these trains
Extra day off this weekend for Martin Luther King Day. Yesterday was a perfect day to be lazy in the toasy apartment- outside was in the teens all day. Taiyo totally enjoyed staying naked- and he can use his potty quite well now but only when he's naked. He still refuses to wear underwear so he's not ready to lose diapers. Today, we were still feeling lazy for the first few hours, then Taiyo suggested to go see "Train Show." It was a little too late to catch the last day of the Train show at the Botanic Garden, so we went to check out this one in the Grand Central Terminal. You can't have enough "train show" for a little boy! It's a little train exhibit, but quite charmingly done with feelings and details of both New York City and some quaint old town. Taiyo also picked out a perfect little toy train in the store, which has been the best toy ever for the rest of the day.
We stopped at Dishes on 45th street between 5th and Madison Aves. It's bright modern sterile looking deli. It's like one of those fancier deli chain- pricey, but food is generally fine. It was not the best time for the buffet table, obviously, late lunch on a slow holiday, and we didn't have much choice but enough to assemble a small plate for us- mainly mirin and soy flavored rice. It was pretty tasty Taiyo ate most of it. We also liked coconut crusted chicken fingers. For $12/pound it's pricey for a salad bar, but food quality seems good and place was kept very clean and neat. It's also spacious and plenty of room to park a stroller, although it would probably get kind of hectic for midtown business day lunch.
At Bryant Park, the fountain has turned into beautiful ice sculpture. The ice skate rink had a very long line. There was a outdoor terrace with comfy seats around a fire or heat lamps hanging above. It seemed like an interesting place to hang around one of these cold days. And Taiyo had to go on a carousel, of course. When we got there, I just pointed at the little horse in front of me and asked him, "This one?" He answered, "No. Rabbit!" And I realized, Oh, yes, they have a rabbit here. And of course he remembered that he was on a rabbit last time- about 6 months ago.
Across the street, we have to stop at Kinokuniya Bookstore. Downstairs, they have the cutest Japanese stationaries and other little goodies to entertain a little person forever. Taiyo picked out a set little erasers in shape of pots, pans, cooking utencils and a plate of a steak. This was the second best toy ever for him for the rest of the day.
Choo choo!!
A beautiful Wednesday- we made it to the Train Show at the New York Botanic Garden in Bronx. It was the first time for both of us- although I was aware of this famous holiday show, I just never thought about it as important thing to see until I had a boy. Even a girl would definitely enjoy it, but the boys and trains! They are just so inseparable. Anyway, the show is totally breathtaking and incredible it is truly worth seeing it with or without kids. All kinds of cool trains run around the beautiful garden and amazing rendition of New York landmarks constructed with twigs, barks, and leaves. There's bridges and waterfalls, and I would imagine it would be even more amazing in the evening. Taiyo was of course totally enchanted and ran back and forth chasing the trains, chanting "Chaka chaka choo choo!" I was also glad that we beat the crowd- I assume that they get really busy in the next two weeks during the holidays.
Back in the neighborhood, we dined at Frankies on Clinton. They are usually too busy and I know they have very small tables, so this is usually not among our choices to dine. But it was early enough and there weren't many other diners. Taiyo was somehow very enthusiastic entering this cozy restaurant. Although it was pretty empty, they offered us the tiny table in the middle. I preferred one against the wall or something bigger, but Taiyo decided to take it. We enjoyed a crostini with avocado and pesto, lentil soup, and homemade gnocchi with marinara and fresh ricotta. Oh, boy, we enjoyed them! After a crostini, Taiyo asked for more. Both lentil soup and gnocchi kept him in his seat quite a long time until we finished them all. Food-wise, this place really give you the best for the money. Everything is so simply but beautifully executed and they taste so fresh and honest. I would go back more often if it was set up a bit more kid-friendly. There aren't much room for strollers- fortunately it's walking distance for us. There's no high chairs and talbes are small and very close together. I won't go there unless it's less than half empty, which is very early in the evening. Still recommended- and service is wonderful.
The rest of the exhausting weekend
Saturday was another warm day, and I loved the mellowness of this holiday weekend. We took a bike ride down to the Imagination Playground at the South Street Seaport. I didn't notice before, but this time the air quality was so noticeably bad most likely from all the tour buses idling near by. But of course Taiyo didn't care. He got very focused in the sandbox scooping up sand into a bucket. I brought a bucket and a scoop just in case, but this is another very nice thing about this playground-there's always plenty of tools to play with in the sandbox. Older kids were building some very interesting structures on the other side with large form blocks. Later we met a boy about a year older also named Taiyo, also half Japanese with a Japanese mom. When I heard her calling his son Taiyo, I had to exclaim, "Your son is Taiyo? Mine, too!" His mom said she never met a boy with the same name. Well, I hadn't either. Taiyo followed the other Taiyo, calling, "Taiyo, Taiyo!" but he was pretty much ignored. On the way out we saw caroling older men by the tree. It's Christmas all over town already.
We stopped at Keg No. 229 on Front Street for lunch. Among the few establishments on Front Street, this was Taiyo's choice. It was like a stylish sports bar, that didn't look kid-friendly, but we were offered a high chair immediately, and Taiyo gladly settled in one. Bench with nice cushy pillows was comfy, too. It was three in the afternoon, but it had a small group of young people gathering at the bar. The ambiance was kind of loud, which wasn't a bad thing for a toddler who wants to scream for no reason from time to time. The bathroom was the darkest one Taiyo was ever been to, and he was a bit scared. It was also scary for me too since I really couldn't see how clean the bathroom was. The food was pretty good- crab cake eggs benedict with breakfast potatoes. Potatoes were seasoned enough but Taiyo carefully dipped some ketchup to eat them. Eggs benedit was tasty although I wished the crab cakes were thicker. They have nice list of beer and the staff were very nice and friendly to Taiyo. Recommended.
In the evening we went to the New Victory Theater in Times Square for "Untapped!" It was Taiyo's first real theater experience. In the elevator an old lady asked me, "Isn't it a bit late for him?" The show was on at 7pm. "Oh, no. He's up until midnight regularly." Oh, yes, he was so excited to be seated right by the stage. They offer a booster for little people in orchestra section. The show was actually recommended for age 6 and above, and we were the only stroller parked downstairs, but Taiyo was of course totally into it. He loves tap dancing himself! We watched five cute aussie boys tapping(too bad they are gay, I was thinking), mixed with beat-boxing and rock music, and Taiyo screamed here and there, which made the performers chuckle sometimes. First 30 minutes weren't too bad, but the next 30 minutes got a bit more stressful for me. Taiyo started jumping from his seat onto me, then climbed back onto his seat, and started all over again. He also turned around and tried to get attention of the boy behind him, who ignored him. I asked him if he wanted to leave, but he shook his head. He also kicked the man next to him numerous times, who didn't seem to mind too much- he got three kids next to him. Anyway, we survived the show and ushesr by the door said, "He was so cute!" Well, this was the theater for kids, and his behavior was all acceptable. We'll be back for more.
The restaurants around there were too crowded after the show, and some had only revolving doors indicating "no strollers." We weren't going to wait for a half hour for a table at Ruby Tuesday, so we went to Burger King instead. He was happy enough with the bourbon burger with sweet sauce. At least we got very fresh french fries, and of course Taiyo dipped them carefully into ketchup. I said we are taking a cab! after that, and Taiyo went yay! The traffic was everywhere and it wasn't easy trip. Taiyo was so hyper jumping around. We were stuck for a while on Houston and I realized that I should've told the driver not to take the Second avenue down to Houston- he doesn't live in the neighborhood! Taiyo was still jumping around when we got home and I was truly exhausted. So the next day spending most of the time at home wasn't so bad for me. You can't see it in this picture Taiyo took at the laundromat. Do I look kind of tired? Or I'm just getting old.