Category: Fun
Winter is really here.
Mercury falls to teens and it feels really cold since we were spoiled with mild winter last year. But even in this temperature and even with added icy wind little sparrows are sleeping on the bare pear trees up the block, not huddling together but individually perched, which always fascinates me. Though so small, I guess they have enough feathers? When I was a runner this totally didn't discourage me from going out for a run in the morning. It's a perfect sweat icicle weather; I would come back from a run and feel my sweat that got frozen stiff melt down around my neck inside warm apartment. If it's in single digit I may hesitate, but weather in general was hardly ever an excuse for not going out there. So last weekend when Taiyo announced he wanted to go to the park, I was totally in. It was a long weekend with Monday off, and we spent too much time inside. "I want to go to Pumpkin Square Park," he said. So we went to deserted Tompkins Square Park. There were very few kids and adults in this usually busy playground. I decided it was the perfect time to really run around with Taiyo- besides it was just too cold to sit around. We hopped from one gym to another, playing pirates on ships. We also just chased each other and played hide and seek. I enjoyed sliding on the tall slide which was really smooth and fast. It was just a perfect day for it. When we saw flurries we went across the street to 7A for late brunch.
This is one of the few places still left in the neighborhood since I moved to Manhattan in 1990. Like Sidewalk Cafe across the street, I'm sure management has changed at least once because it just does not feel the same, but I do appreciate that it still bears the name. It was great time for us to be there after brunch rush. We got to sit in a roomy booth near the back. Taiyo no longer needs one, fortunately, but they seemed to have plenty of high chairs. I wasn't expecting much for their food, just being nostalgic to go to my old hangout, and I was pretty sure this popular joint was child-friendly. Taiyo didn't get any notable service or attention, but there were a few other family diners in the restaurant which made us more comfortable. In any case Taiyo was acting crazy as usual pointing his new potato gun at people, bubbling, jumping up and down on the booth, and I just had to get something to shut him up. Blueberry pancakes with sausage. It was kind of sad looking. But Taiyo was so excited and he totally sat quietly and cleared the plate pretty much all on his own. So it was really nothing notable about the food and I would not order it again unless it was $3. But Taiyo was so happy and kept him in his seat, so they did something right.
end is near
Oh, boy. We did it again. We are about to see another year gone by. Oh, well, what a year it's been! Later part of the year was literally disastrous, except the result of the presidential election. Well, at least this month we survived another end of the world and a major holiday that always makes me feel like an orphan. I just don't celebrate Christmas, ok? I don't have any reason to. So we went to chase chickens at the garden. These chicks made their seasonal migration from Governor's Island to our garden, and they gave us good enough excuse to stick around the neighborhood this holiday season. We've been harvesting fresh eggs when we go to take care of them. Taiyo went berserk when I boiled them back in the restaurant, since he thought he was going to hatch them. But as soon as he tasted the boiled egg, he decided to just eat them all.
Later we did go celebrate a little bit of Christmas with Kristof's family in Greenpoint. Somehow, Taiyo decided to put on his Spiderman's costume. I said, why not, since it's getting too tight on him. They had some beautiful traditions like having an empty seat with food for a 'traveler' or anyone who happened to walk in the door, even a burglar, to join the dinner, or sharing bread with everyone around the room. The rest of my four-day off was super mellow, and it was good too. Getting ready for count-down- another quiet half-week off.
some more memories of november 2012
as we leave November, here's some more things happened...
Thanksgiving! My favorite holiday! We began our tradition at Union Square Market, shopping for some fresh herbs and produce for the special dinner. The holiday market was already open on the other side of the park. Taiyo walked around burying his face into a big blueberry muffin, entertaining other market shoppers. In the evening we survived the crowd for the balloon inflation by the Natural History Museum uptown. How they barricade these events and create more chaos is so crazy and unfortunate. It really takes so much fun out of it. We used a shortcut to enter the balloon viewing from subway station, but then at the end of the block they forced us to exit and find our way through the sea of people across Columbus Avenue because that was the official 'entrance' to the event. And the other side was ridiculously crowded and less enjoyable anyway. Next year, we'll do just the half of the balloons and go home happily.
Next day at seven o'clock, my Thanksgiving dinner was ready at it's perfection. My shio-koji-brined turkey was so tender wings fell off when I picked it up from the roasting pan. Then there was of course my famous sausage stuffing with apples and cashews. Mashed potato was lightly herbed with dill, accompanied by herbed miso gravy sauce(Tim called it 'divine') brussels sprouts with bacon, roasted cauliflower with crushed garlic and pine nuts, sweet potato and corn casserole, Japanese potato salad, green salad with ume-shiso dressing, plus roasted fall vegetables Kathy brought in. So 12 adults and one 3-year-old feasted and they all said it was a great dinner and I totally agree. There's no photos to prove since my little camera was in the repair and our new toy iPad mini didn't arrive from China for a few more days.
Last weekend was Columbus day weekend, a long weekend, therefore it was a short work week. It goes by quickly either way. Yes, it was another busy weekend, starting from Addie's birthday. He was somehow reluctant to go, but once he was there, he made sure he was right next to her every minute of it. They crawled under table and shrieked together. They were so cute together. They were such a perfect little couple. On the way home, we caught a last bit of the Carnival for the church on Pitt Street. I watched Taiyo go round and round and round and round on little rides, having some blank moment thinking iPhone may be nice to have sometimes.
We've been also busy trying to make most of the last few warm days before winter. Another bike trip uptown to the Central Park Zoo was met with "Mambo Italiano" from Columbus Day Parade at 5th Avenue. Usually penguins and goats are the only things Taiyo cares at this nice little zoo, but this time he decided to take a hike up the hill. Interestingly, usually hard-to-spot snow leopard decided to come down the hill and sit right behind Taiyo who was sitting against the glass. Some guy was making a sarcastic comment about 'that toddler blocking the view,' but I just let him have his close encounter with the big cat. He was the only kid in the crowd at the moment, and I thought he was the only one who deserved the magical close viewing of the animal. Akiro san's Buddhist service for 49th day after death was in the evening at Village Zendo. It was a beautiful little ceremony with chanting and incense.
Next day, we made it to Clinton St. Baking Co. on Clinton near Houston. This is probably the most hyped restaurant in the Lower East Side, where you'll see a line most of the time. I would not wait for a table at any restaurant right now, especially with a toddler, but three o'clock was late enough for lunch I suppose. We were seated by the window immediately. I've heard this place was kid-friendly before, but I really didn't feel much of kid-friendliness at this visit. There's hardly a room for a stroller- you have to leave it near the door, but a larger SUV type would really not be welcome. The waitress immediately ordered to Taiyo to sit down and not to stand on the bench with such an authority like a teacher, he listened to her. I guess the staff who seems to be experienced with small kids is a sign of a kid-friendly joint, but I felt like she took some fun out of our visit. So fast. But she did bring him a plastic cup with straw for water, which was a point. We went there because Taiyo wanted pancakes, but as soon as we walked in, his mind was set for the scone they had on the counter. And although the sausage sandwich I ordered was very pretty and tasty, he was so focused on his scone and didn't care to try any of the sandwich. I thought it was rather adult flavored anyway. Food was pretty good, service was sufficient, but I would only drop in if I could get a table right away.
Next day Taiyo was still asking for pancakes. I thought they may have some, but Sidewalk Cafe on Avenue A and Sixth Street didn't have any. But we were already settled at a sidewalk table, and it was just nice and relaxing to be there for late lunch at 3pm (again!) so Taiyo compromised for french fries. I got Sidewalk Burger, with egg, avocado, bacon, and stuff. This was one of the neighborhood late night joint to eat and hang out back in my youth, and now it's like a bit fancy hamburger joint that serves towering burger with unnecessary things in between the buns on clean white square plate. I saw some neighborhood type people still hanging out twenty years later, but this was very different joint now. I guess the owner is different. Taiyo did like the fries, and bacon from my burger.
The end of summer

The end of a season of the beginning of another. Of course I had to take a long weekend off to celebrate it. Unfortunately the weather was not so glorious, and we didn't miss going to the beach at all.
On Sunday, we made it out to the borough we least visit- Staten Island! We were heading to the Richmond County Fair at Historic Richmond Town, where I've never been to. No wonder I never got there- it's far! Bus ride to the ferry, then ferry across to catch anther bus for 45 minutes- total trip was two hours. It was the longest trip we took since our vacation in spring. On the bus ride to Richmond Town, Taiyo fell asleep. But I wasn't going to turn around and head home since we came so far. I just enjoyed a little bit of not so quiet time in the busy fair among the rides with a cup of beer. Then he woke up and enjoyed kiddy rides, then his first pony ride. He also loved petting bunnies, sheep and goats, and munched on zeppole. Unfortunately rain started coming down and we decided to head home only after an hour and a half.
Next day he wanted to go to the zoo. The sky was cloudy again but we took a chance and headed uptown to the Central Park. We did our routine of watching sea lions, laughing at penguins, then he wanted to go have french fries at the cafeteria. At least he was fine with skipping the gift shop. Then he said, "I forgot to feed the goats." Of course we can't forget that before leaving the zoo! So we went to feed the goats then spent some time at the playground nearby where he went crazy with the beautiful stone slide. Then we climbed the rock behind it and enjoyed the scenery in this urban oasis. I spent so much time running through the park before Taiyo, but now I'm discovering other beautiful things this park offers. We beat the rain on the ride back home.
the end is near

Although it's been such a long hot summer, now that the end is approaching it feels like we haven't had enough. So last Saturday we headed out to enjoy another weekend of "Summer Streets," traffic-free ride through the city on Lafayette to Park Avenue all the way up to the park. But we made a late start, and we had only 20 minutes left to enjoy it. They were going to open the streets at 1 pm. "We have to go really fast." I pedaled heading uptown. "Faster! Go faster!" Taiyo chanted in the back seat. We almost made it to the Grand Central, but at 10 minute before one o'clock they already closed the coolest section of the course on the upper level where it's normally inaccessible to bikers. We continued on to the Central Park Zoo and did our usual routine of viewing of penguins and feeding of goats. Despite of heat Taiyo fell asleep in the bike seat on the way back, and of course some motorists told me he was sleeping. "I know," I replied.
Thanks to the hundreds of toy cars I scored on ebay, Taiyo is making a progress on his potty training. This was a tip I got from his pediatrician, to use a reward to encourage potty use. One of the 'present' he got was this little potty car, quite appropriately, which is the most hilarious potty on wheels equipped with a plunger! He used to jump up and down clapping his hands saying "I love it!" every time he got a little reward. Now it's getting a routine to get another toy car after using potty. By the time the supplies run out, I hope he's going to know that he's not going to get a reward after each toilet use.
Today, we almost headed out on bike to Brooklyn's Children's Museum, but I was so glad we didn't since it began to rain when we got out of subway. I had to buy an umbrella a few blocks down, because it began to pour. When we arrived at the museum, my pants were all wet knees down, but my sandals were the most uncomfortable for the first time in the second season. Taiyo spent quality time in the toddler section, then we went 'shopping' at the grocery store, and of course he had to make some fake pizza at the pizzeria. We always love this place with so many cool things to do, and he was totally knocked out when we left although the rain was coming down the hardest on the way back to subway. I was seriously drenched after 15 minute walk, but Taiyo was comfy enough under the rain cover. It was my chance to get wet since we haven't made it to beach or swimming pool this summer.
More busy weekend

I thought it was really long and hot summer, but now we're approaching the end of July, it doesn't feel so bad. The air has been more comfortable than not in the past week, and of course we've been busy enjoying it.
On Saturday Taiyo wanted to go to the "Dinosaur Museum" so that's what we did. We biked uptown to the Museum of Natural History. He was in his caped t-shirt (he calls it a "spider-man shirt"), rain boots, and a blue plastic back scratcher as his "sword." His attire was added entertainment around the museum. He had a blast running through the dinosaur exhibit and also planet stuff in the lower level. Then of course he enjoyed having french fries in the cafeteria. This cafeteria has a little better options of food than most other museum. But still, french fries and juice were suffice for Taiyo. Such an American boy.
Next day, per his request, we went out to Hall of Science in Queens. When we entered the toddler playroom, Taiyo went straight to his favorite area: kitchen and dining. He laid out bowls and plates, and placed some food around the table. After spending quality time there, we checked out some exhibits upstairs. There's so much to explore in this museum, but we probably cover only a quarter of it at each visit. It's never so crowded, and it's one of the best place to go with him. I wish it was a bit closer.