Archives for: August 2017
Hello Rosendale!

I packed my little Nissan with our last load of 29 years in the rain and arrived here just after midnight two months ago. Our country life has began. I guerilla-opened SOY within a month for Rosendale Street Festival in mid-July. It was just like a film shoot- finding problems in many corners of the building, equipment breaking down in the last minute, staff having a melt-down, etc, etc. Some people didn't believe I'd make it that quickly, and I had doubts at times. But my new neighbors helped me tremendously and the day before the festival bunch of friends from New York City trekked up to clear the space and I opened my door July 15th, 2017. I've been back in business ever since, slowly but surely. This tiny town is just amazing- sweet and crazy people, incrediblely friendly and positive energy, and beautiful scenery. You have to come and see it yourself. Getting ready for our first big party this Friday!