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Spring has come

First day of spring was celebrated with snow. It's been still hats-and-gloves days but the sun is definitely getting stronger. With daylight savings time, a day is remarkably longer, too. I'm so looking forward to seeing some flowers around soon. We'll be greeted by cherry blossoms in Japan in two weeks- I'm taking Taiyo home for the first time over his spring break. It's my first visit in six years. Today he came home with a little drawing for me. "Mommy, mommy, I made something for you." It's a drawing of flowers and two stick figures-one tall, and one small- holding hands. And it says; "I love you and I mist you." It's just the cutest thing. Venus and the crescent moon with delicate curve were together high in the twilight last night when we went out for ice cream. Double scoop in a cone with colorful sprinkle on top was definitely the high moment of the weekend for Taiyo. It's amazing how much happiness that fat ice cream cone brings for a child.