Archives for: January 2015, 21

I've been cooking like non-stop since the beginning of the year. Thanks to the publicity from NY Times, many new people are finding their way to Suffolk Street. It's great, but it's tiring. A lot more work. But last weekend, I finally decided to do something else other than cooking. But it was such a miserable day with continuously drizzling rain, so some place near a subway station. I decided to take him to Ripley's Believe it or not in Times Square. Believe it or not, I really did. I even paid full price at the door. I didn't know it was cheaper to buy on-line. It's really expensive for what it is. It's a freak-show exhibit, mostly. There were some interesting things for Taiyo, though, like a mummified bird and an electric chair. But also some serious scary things that would haunt him for days to come. The videos and pictures of long-necked Burmese women were the scariest for him.
The tablet I dropped in the tub and died two weeks ago miraculously revived yesterday. The alarm suddenly went off on the tablet! I was about to give up on it. But then later that day I realized the devil took my digital camera instead. Somewhere between Ripley's and home, I lost my little digital camera. Of course it contained a tiny memory card with years of photos. Fortunately my photos are scattered between different medias and I didn't not lose a whole chunk of an era. I also don't remember exactly what was on it. There's too many pictures anyway. And there's too many videos. Taiyo's self-videotaping is even worse- he lets the camera roll for fifteen minutes at a time. Video digest from last summer is still one-hour long. Too long! So everything is a mixed blessing. What's lost is just some pictures. There's so many more to come and when do I ever have time to look back at all those anyway. If I am every really super rich, I would like to hire a photo/video record archivist as a household help.
So there's no photo today. Another Wednesday. Laundry, a trip to Restaurant Depot, a slice of pizza after school. A bad massage and a good massage. Nice folks for Sushi Class. Disappointed regular customers who didn't realize we were closed waving outside.