Archives for: October 2014, 17
Discovering South Jersey

This blog is turning into "Traveling with Taiyo" this year. For Columbus Day weekend, we explored our neighboring "Garden State" New Jersey. In the last minute trip planning, I came across Diggerland and I really had to go there. It's a construction themed adventure park, where you can ride and operate real construction vehicles and machines!
It was simply brilliant. The place was real and simple. Lots of dirt. It was a riot.
Taiyo, at age 5, was operating a mini digger. It was just so awesome. But the place became twice absurd when Orthodox Jewish families arrived by a bus load and filled the park. They seem to be so out of the place, but they were having just as much fun as other kids. It was also fun to see some grandmas having fun operating big diggers and such. I could not believe no one told me about this place. Taiyo wished for Diggerland all the way home the following day.
On the way home, we visited Terhune Orchards in Princeton. There were many more things to do where we stayed, Mt. Laurel, which is right outside of Philadelphia, but I thought open space would be good for Taiyo. I think it was. There was a fall harvest festival going on, and the farm was full of little kids! We picked out pumpkins, rode on a wagon, got lost in a corn maze, and Taiyo even got a pony ride. The apples we bought at the farm were so fresh and delicious. We found some serious fun in New Jersey on this trip.