Archives for: August 2013, 18
short hot summer

I've been sleeping without A/C this week and it feels like summer is quickly fading away. I was just compiling "Things to do before summer ends" list last week- which turned out to be the exact headline for TimeOut New York this week. We checked off "beach" on Wednesday; we took a commuter ferry to Rockaway. It was a perfect day, a bit windy but ocean was calm. One-hour ferry ride was beautiful, giving us a tour of New York city shoreline. I've never taken this ferry before, and now this will be one of my favorite summer outings.
Today we headed out for the last installment of "Summer Streets," which has always been on my "must-do list of summer." It's another unique experience of the city I enjoyed for years. Before Taiyo I did the long run all the way up to the Central Park. With Taiyo we always did at least part of the route on bike. It was another perfect day with mild temperature and blue sky, but this time I found it hardly enjoyable because it was too crowded. There were simply too many people, and too many bikes. It was like all these people who rarely ride bikes came out all together. Gang of blue Citi bike riders of course made the situation worse. And walkers who were in the bike lane would not move when I rang bell. It was annoying and stressful that I moved Summer Streets to the "Do-Not-Bother" list.
It was exciting week after all, starting Monday's hospital day. Taiyo finally made it to the operating room experience for his teeth. We had to wait for four hours for the procedure, but the waiting room at Mount Sinai hospital was the "bestest" as Taiyo described. The room for children waiting for operation was equipped with wonderful toys and even two attendants who were at his service since he was the only kid in the room. I just sat and read newspaper while two ladies entertained Taiyo. Then after two hour operation he came out with six fully silver covered molars. He was already half-awake calling me when he came out of the operating room, but quickly fell back to sleep for two more hours. When he finally woke up, he asked me if he can go back downstairs and play some more.