Archives for: June 2013, 08
at the end of a rainy day

It rained all day, all the time, hard at time, drizzled most of the time. It reminded me of the rainy season in Japan- which is happening right now. It rains almost continuously for at least a month. But I don't mind rain at all. It's quite inconvenient with a small child, but I like the sound of rain. I always liked a little bit of rain for my run. So much is going on lately and I didn't mind the rain if it slows some things down. "Save the garden!" activities are giving me more work as webmaster. Taiyo was scheduled to have a dental treatment under general anesthesia at a hospital. Too many cavities at age 3! With a huge hole on his molar, he was going to need "baby root canal." My dentist laughed that I made so much contributions to dentistry when he examined my teeth for the first time. I have all my teeth but so much work has been done. Unfortunately Taiyo decided to follow my path so early. I catered for 60-people lunch up the block yesterday, and already had a call for another one today for next week. This will mean more cooking through weekend. So these are my excuses for not blogging much lately. The best news this week was that Taiyo got a placement at Earth School. I thought it would've been funny if they saw YouTube video of him as a little activist and said, "We want this kid!" We are getting excited for "Costume Rally-Party" at the garden this coming Thursday. Taiyo's been telling people, "I'm going to be a super-hero and save the garden!" He's so awesome.