Archives for: March 2013, 18

Sun was not out this time at the garden. The camera couldn't capture it but we had flurries coming down. Unfortunately there were totally not enough snow for snow fight, but we spent nice time with the chickens. I can't believe they are leaving us already next month. There's one little chick who seems abused and isolated, and Charlie told me that she just came back from hatching 6 chicks in fall. Bald spots on her head, he told me, was actually from her chicks, he said. So this poor mother bird is so exhausted and abused by her own children, but her girlfriends didn't want anything to do with her when she came back to the group. Poor thing. Sometimes being a mother doesn't pay back so well.
So the wheels of stroller were busted again- perhaps because Taiyo's getting so big? I was hoping the three-and-a-half-year-old stroller would hold up through the summer before completely terminating its use by the time he starts school. I had to drop it off at the Maclaren store in Soho for repair, and they loaned us a bigger stroller. In this, he was not too big at all! After he fell asleep comfortably later afternoon, his feet were not dragging the streets! This loaner is going to spoil us this week.
Before he fell asleep, when we passed by Lure Fishbar at Prince and Mercer, Taiyo was totally fascinated with the view of the restaurant below the street level. "I want to go there," he announced. So I grabbed the stroller and we went downstairs. The place was busy, and it seemed somewhat family friendly to my surprise, since there were people with babies, toddler and above here and there. Otherwise, it looked like just another popular hipster joint. Yes, the food was mediocre as I expected, but Taiyo loved the overpriced french toast($14 for four piece of french toast), and 2 pieces of deviled eggs were $8 only because there were a little bits of caviar on top. Well, the bathroom was kept clean, the service was not extra special, maybe a bit snobbish but efficient, the floor was quite full but food came out rather fast. I probably never go there again but it was not totally bad over all.