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Goodnight iPad

So this book exist, and it's no joke but that's exactly how Taiyo goes to sleep right now. I told him that if he can go to sleep on his own, he'll get a new app on iPad in the morning. If you can go to sleep without mama, mama can look for a new thing for your iPad to download. This 'getting a new thing' on the iPad still occurs magically overnight, but I still try to tell him the truth. Hey, these things don't just appear from nowhere. I buy them for you. Anyway, it's still like getting a mystery present; he is so excited when he finds a new app on iPad. I have to start reviewing these apps- there's some great ones, trash, and everything in between of course. So, thank you iPad, for helping me raise my child. With the happy thought of finding a new icon, Taiyo went to sleep by himself third day in a row.
On Saturday we encountered lions in Chinatown for Lunar New Year celebration. I love these loud noises and crazy looking lions that makes me feel lucky. So we watched some lions and snapped popping firecrackers on the street. Three boxes for a dollar, these little pops are great cheap entertainment- it also helps little ones to work on motor skill. One little box was enough fun for Taiyo; we came home with two more boxes for another day.
So far I've been working 6-day weeks this year, which I thought it was fair for me to take a day off on Presidents' Day. And you know what, I am the president of my little company. So yes, I took a day off. I spent a relaxing day visiting my friend Virginia in Queens who had a baby two months ago. Taiyo loved their place, with lots more room to run around, and big TV with cable service and a comfy large couch in front of it. So he loved the visit and it also game me a chance to look back and think of the beginning days. It was terrifying time but then you look back and think it was the easiest time. I could put him down and at least he won't go anywhere. He won't ask me million questions. He won't say he wants no green stuff on his food. When I started this blog two years ago, I thought we'd be eating at so much more variety of food by now. But he has regressed very much over the past year. On the way from Virginia's place in Forest Hills, I made a mistake of telling Taiyo I saw a Diner ahead. His mind was set for the diner. I told him there seems more choice a block ahead, but no. He just wanted to go to a diner. I don't know why he loves a diner, but he does. Any typical crappy diner, such as this one, T-Bone Diner.
I seemed like the joint was there for a long time, and I wondered if the food was always crappy like that. Anyway, when I opened the menu it was one of those typical diner menu with hundreds of things that makes me dizzy, but today's special 'home made' turkey meatballs with spaghetti may be all right, I thought. Taiyo wanted to have pasta. And the food was edible but pretty gross. Turkey meatballs were kind of strange and very much surely not home made. By the way why diners are allowed to lie on their menu that all baking are done on premise. What baking? So probably 'Home made' doesn't mean anything either. But Taiyo liked it. He sat down and ate. The waiter seemed quite tolerating of the restless little person. The booth was comfortable. There was a middle-aged couple on a first date after meeting on-line in the next booth. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but the man was talking so loudly into my direction I got to enjoy listening his online dating stories. So with a little added entertainment, it wasn't horrible dining experience. I just wish the food was a little more decent.