Archives for: January 2013, 13
remains of holidays

In the beginning of the year, I would often think of blogging more, which will quickly fade from my mind in a few weeks. I've been definitely slacking from it in recent years, and well, besides "drinking more tea" thing, I thought "blogging more" thing would be another new year's resolution. Again. Maybe four entries a month minimum. I am not going to be too ambitious. And here I am, only the second entry for the month/year at 13th day. Not quite on time yet, but not terribly behind. I would really like to reclaim my status as a super woman. Eventually.
Elliot took us to the Holiday Train Show at the Botanical Garden on Wednesday. Taiyo and I saw it last year for the first time- this is one of the New York gems you may not be so interested if you don't have a kid. But this is something I would truly recommend seeing once in your life. Both Taiyo and I were not as blown away as last year, the first time seeing it, however. Still, it was just an amazing show with artistic reproductions of New York landmarks all made by natural materials like twigs, leaves, and acorns, within a beautiful indoor garden with little trains running though. Then we caught after holiday attraction of "Thomas Train Show," which was terribly bad but Taiyo was happy to meet Thomas and even have a picture taken. At least the photo is kind of cute and we were one of the first one's to get it done.
Taiyo says he wants to go to vacation. I really don't mind going to some place warm before spring.