Archives for: September 2012
Birthday bunch

I have chugged down the month of September, and here we are, already feeling October air. And this was an important month for Kizawa household; it's me and Taiyo's birthday!
This year we had Taiyo's big party at the Children's Magical Garden at Norfolk and Stanton on Sunday 23rd. It was so perfect to be at this wonderful community garden Taiyo and I have been visiting all summer. Our friend Michelle opened the gate for us for our party, then later our party was crashed by another party: jazz festival celebrating John Coltrane's birthday. It was so perfect for music loving Taiyo, and they even played 'Happy Birthday' song. Taiyo carefully observed the musicians, especially the drummer. It was my birthday the day before, but ever since Taiyo has arrived, I had a privilege of forgetting my birthday. Ours are only two days apart. So yes, that's all I did on my birthday, preparing for Taiyo's party. That's fine with me---by not celebrating, I don't feel I'm another year older! I was baking his cake in the middle of the night- I hardly bake a cake and this was certainly the biggest cake I've ever done. And of course in the middle of finishing the cake, at 2:30am, I heard Taiyo wake up on the monitor, and he had to come downstairs to see the cake. I thought the cake was nowhere near perfect, but I got so much compliments. Phew. Everything paid off. But it was the most tiring day of the year, much more than Thanksgiving, and I'm glad there's only one birthday a year, and it's over, and I'm truly grateful of all the help from my staff and friends to have made this happen.
The end of summer

The end of a season of the beginning of another. Of course I had to take a long weekend off to celebrate it. Unfortunately the weather was not so glorious, and we didn't miss going to the beach at all.
On Sunday, we made it out to the borough we least visit- Staten Island! We were heading to the Richmond County Fair at Historic Richmond Town, where I've never been to. No wonder I never got there- it's far! Bus ride to the ferry, then ferry across to catch anther bus for 45 minutes- total trip was two hours. It was the longest trip we took since our vacation in spring. On the bus ride to Richmond Town, Taiyo fell asleep. But I wasn't going to turn around and head home since we came so far. I just enjoyed a little bit of not so quiet time in the busy fair among the rides with a cup of beer. Then he woke up and enjoyed kiddy rides, then his first pony ride. He also loved petting bunnies, sheep and goats, and munched on zeppole. Unfortunately rain started coming down and we decided to head home only after an hour and a half.
Next day he wanted to go to the zoo. The sky was cloudy again but we took a chance and headed uptown to the Central Park. We did our routine of watching sea lions, laughing at penguins, then he wanted to go have french fries at the cafeteria. At least he was fine with skipping the gift shop. Then he said, "I forgot to feed the goats." Of course we can't forget that before leaving the zoo! So we went to feed the goats then spent some time at the playground nearby where he went crazy with the beautiful stone slide. Then we climbed the rock behind it and enjoyed the scenery in this urban oasis. I spent so much time running through the park before Taiyo, but now I'm discovering other beautiful things this park offers. We beat the rain on the ride back home.