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Ramen never fails

Child development is not linier, I'm learning. Lately Taiyo has been regressing it seems, having more tantrums, being needy and demanding, protesting potty training, etc., etc... On Sunday we went for another play at New Victory Theater, and I thought it was just the perfect cute musical for him, at the front seat where we can peek down at the musicians in the orchestra pit and everything, but again he insisted sitting on my lap instead of his seat. The play, Lucky Duck, was lovely and fun, even for adults, but he began to freak out one hour into the show- the last fifteen minutes was plain hell for me with him complaining for nothing on the floor by my feet. I was so fed up at the end of the show and wanted to go straight home, but of course he wanted to eat something. We ended up at Sapporo on 49th Street.
Of course he would not protest against ramen and gyoza. The restaurant was still busy with lunch crowd at 2pm and we had to wait for a table for ten minutes, and service was a bit slow but accommodating for a little person. I thought the food was mediocre but Taiyo still loved the gyozas, which he only eat the skins, and noodles! The waiter was courteous and friendly, and there were other plenty small diners around, and overall it was very nice. Fairly recommended.