Archives for: October 2011, 29
Strange days
The Halloween weekend started and the streets were filled with costumed people going off to Halloween parties. The haunted house across the street had long line all evening. I had one hell of a day with continuous lunch orders. People came to dine in, pick up, Lynne had to run back and forth for delivery orders, we had to receive weekly food supply, Taiyo made some new friends to hang out, made some play-doh noodles, my friend Tarja showed up vising NY from Helsinki. Then at the end of the afternoon, Lynne found Akiro from the salon next door stretched across the floor- he was conscious but too dizzy to get up. Other neighbors were already on top of the case, then we waited his friends to come help him to an emergency room. Of course we never got a chance to wheel Taiyo out to let him sleep, so he was running around hyper and emotional from exhaustion. So I totally didn't mind the evening rather quiet tonight.
I have to go back a few days and have to share a dining experience. We stopped at L'asso on Mott and Kenmare, thinking that no pizza place could be child-unfriendly. First, this huge column in front of the door made the entry a bit difficult with a stroller. It was fairly empty and we took a seat on a bench by the window. We always like a margherita pie. So this very nice pizza was served. With one plate. But there's two of us at the table. I tried to get an attention of the waitress, but with only two other tables occupied in the restaurant, obviously she was too busy to look our way. So I said fine. Taiyo can have the plate. He also didn't get any utencils. She thought he was my prop so something? But we did really like the pizza. Taiyo really liked the pizza. But this hipster joint even when it's fairly empty had something child-unfriendly in the air. We did savor the entire pie, and when I asked for a check the waitress immediately cleared the table, including the napkins, although Taiyo was still munching on a piece in his hand. Was he supposed to just lick his fingers clean and wipe his mouse with his sleeve? As a mom, I really can't recommend this place.